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WooCommerce Product Table - Full list of options

The WooCommerce Product Table plugin lists products in an interactive table view. This article contains a complete list of all the plugin options, with links to full instructions for each option.

Where to manage your table options

You can configure the most popular options directly in the table builder, whereas the more advanced options are managed on the 'Edit table' page or on the plugin settings page:

  • Add Table - These options are available when you use the table builder to create a new table (Products → Product Table → Add New).
  • Edit Table - These options are available when you edit a table (Products → Product Table → Edit).
  • Settings Page - You can set defaults for these options on the settings page (Products → Product Table → Add New). These will be used for all your new tables, and you can override the defaults n in the shortcode for each individual table.
  • Shortcode - Available as shortcode options so that you can configure them directly in the [producttable] shortcode. Shortcode options override any options set in the table builder or on the Edit Table or settings pages.

The list of options below indicates where you can manage each one.

Full list of options

Table columns

Option Description Add Table Edit Table Settings Page Shortcode
Columns Sets the columns in the table. You can also customize or remove the column headers.

Add to cart

Option Description Add Table Edit Table Settings Page Shortcode
Cart button Sets the style of the add to cart buttons
Quantities Shows or hides the quantity selector next to the add to cart button
Variations Controls how variable products appear in the table
AJAX cart Disables or activates AJAX add to cart behavior
Add to cart button Customizes the text on the add to cart button
Multi add to cart button Customizes the text on the multi add to cart button
Multi add to cart button - products selected Customizes the wording of the multi add to cart button when products are selected
Multi add to cart location Controls the location of the multi add to cart button
Button text Changes the button text if you are using the button column to show a link to the single product page

Choosing which products appear in the table

Option Description Add Table Edit Table Settings Page Shortcode
Category Lists products from a specific category
Tag Lists products with a specific tag
Term Lists products with a specific custom taxonomy term
Custom field Lists products with a specific custom field value
Stock List products with a specific stock status (e.g. In Stock)
Status Lists products with a specific status (e.g. publish)
Year Lists products published in a specific year
Month Lists products published in a specific month
Day Lists products published on a specific day of the month
Author Lists products by a specific author/user
Include Lists products in the table based on ID
Exclude Excludes specific products from the table based on ID
Exclude category Excludes entire categories of products from the table

There is also a Show hidden products option which is only available on the plugin settings page.

Table content

Option Description Add Table Edit Table Settings Page Shortcode
Products per page Sets the number of products on each page of the table
Product limit Sets the maximum number of products that can appear in the table
Links Sets which columns in the table are clickable
Shortcodes Displays content generated by other shortcodes in the table (e.g. buttons or embedded audio or video players)

Sorting & ordering

Option Description Add Table Edit Table Settings Page Shortcode
Sort products by Controls how the products are sorted when the table first loads
Sort order Sorts the table in ascending or descending order
Filters Add filter dropdown lists above the table, or filter widgets to a sidebar
Search term Filter by search term when the table first loads
Search on click Controls whether clicking on a category, tag or custom taxonomy will filter the table or link to the relevant archive page

Control elements above & below the table

Option Description Add Table Edit Table Settings Page Shortcode
Search box Shows, hides or positions the keyword search box
Reset search Shows, hides or positions the reset link
Products per page control Shows, hides or positions the “Show <x> products” dropdown list
Number of products found Shows, hides or positions the post totals (e.g. “Showing 1 to 10 of 50 products”)
Pagination buttons Shows, hides or positions the pagination buttons (previous, next etc)
Pagination type Sets the pagination style
Sticky header Adds a sticky header to the table
Hide table header Removes the top row of the table
Show table footer Shows or hides the footer row of the table
Scroll offset Changes the height that the page scrolls to when you move between pages in the table

Sizing & styling

Option Description Add Table Edit Table Settings Page Shortcode
Widths Forces each column to a certain width
Description length Sets the number of characters in the 'description' column


Option Description Add Table Edit Table Settings Page Shortcode
Image size Sets the size of featured images in the table
Lightbox Control whether your images open in a lightbox

Mobile visibility & responsive options

Your tables will automatically adjust to suit mobiles and different screen sizes. There are shortcode options to give you more fine-grained control over this.

Option Description Add Table Edit Table Settings Page Shortcode
Responsive visibility Provides fine-grained control over the breakpoints for each column when viewed on smaller screen sizes
Responsive priority Controls which columns are hidden on screen sizes when there are too many to fit on the page
Responsive display Sets whether hidden rows are visible or hidden, or open in a modal window
Responsive control Controls the + icon which shows hidden rows


Option Description Add Table Edit Table Settings Page Shortcode
Lazy load Improves performance by loading the overall page before the table, and loading 1 page of products at a time
Cache Whether to use caching to speed up table load time

Miscellaneous options

Option Description Add Table Edit Table Settings Page Shortcode
Column type Sets the column to text, date or number for sorting purposes
Date format Sets the date format for any date columns
No products message Controls the text that appears if no products are found when the table first loads
No products filtered message Controls the text that appears if no results are found when a user searches or filters the table
Wrap Controls whether or not content is wrapped onto multiple lines
Numeric terms Fixes any issues if you're using numeric slugs for your categories or taxonomies

What else can I do?

Please also see our articles on advanced usage, which include advice on adding product tables to the main shop page or category archives, translating the product table into other languages, developer documentation, and more. We've also published a list of compatible third party plugins that you can use with WooCommerce Product Table.

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