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WooCommerce Product Table - Full list of options

The WooCommerce Product Table plugin lists products in an interactive table view. This article contains a complete list of all the plugin options, with links to full instructions for each option.

* indicates options that can be set as defaults on the plugin settings page. Other options can only be controlled directly in the [product_table] shortcode. 

Choosing the columns

  • columns* - sets the columns in the table. There are options to change or remove the column names

Add to cart

  • cart_button* - sets the style of the add to cart buttons
  • quantities* - shows or hides the quantity selector next to the add to cart button
  • variations* - controls how variable products appear in the table
  • ajax_cart* - disables or activates AJAX add to cart behavior
  • add_selected_button* - controls the location of the multi-select 'Add to Cart' button
  • button_text - changes the button text if you are using the button column to show a link to the single product page

Choosing which products appear in the table

There are lots of ways to create a table listing specific products only:

Categories / tags / terms / custom fields

  • category - lists products from a specific category
  • tag - lists products with a specific tag
  • term - lists products with a specific custom taxonomy term
  • cf - lists products with a specific custom field value

Exclude / include

  • exclude - excludes specific products from the table based on ID
  • include - lists specific products in the table based on ID
  • exclude_category - excludes entire categories of products from the table

Product status

  • status - lists products with a specific post status (e.g. publish)
  • stock - lists products with a specific stock status (e.g. in stock) in stock, out of stock, discontinued or on backorder

There is also a Show hidden products option which is only available on the plugin settings page.


  • year - lists products published in a specific year
  • month - lists products published in a specific month
  • day - lists products published on a specific day of the month
  • date_format - sets the date format for any date columns
  • date_columns - specifies which columns contain dates, so that the column can be sorted by date correctly

Table size

  • rows_per_page* - sets the number of products on each page of the table
  • product_limit* - sets the maximum number of products that can appear in the table


  • sort_by* - controls how the products are sorted when the table first loads
  • sort_order* - sorts the table in ascending or descending order

Filtering / searching

  • filters* - add filter dropdown lists above the table (also see filter widgets)
  • search_term - filter the products by search term when the table loads
  • search_on_click - controls whether clicking on a category, tag or custom taxonomy will filter the table or link to the relevant archive page

Elements above & below the table

  • search_box* - shows or hides the keyword search box
  • reset_button* - shows, hides or positions the reset link
  • page_length* - shows, hides or positions the “Show <x> per page” dropdown list
  • totals* - shows, hides or positions the product totals, e.g. “10 products (50 in total)”
  • pagination* - shows, hides or positions the pagination buttons
  • paging_type* - sets the pagination style
  • no_products_message - controls the text that appears if no products are found when the table first loads
  • no_products_filtered_message - controls the text that appears if no results are found when a user searches or filters the table


  • image_size* - sets the size of product images in the table
  • lightbox* - control whether your images open in a lightbox


  • description_length* - sets the length of the description column
  • shortcodes* - displays content generated by other shortcodes in the product table (e.g. buttons or embedded audio or video players)
  • links* - sets which columns in the table are clickable

Mobile visibility & responsive options

  • priorities - controls which columns are hidden on screen sizes when there are too many to fit on the page
  • column_breakpoints - choose which columns are shown/hidden on different screen sizes and devices
  • responsive_control - controls the + icon which shows hidden rows
  • responsive_display - sets whether hidden rows are visible or hidden, or open in a modal window


  • lazy_load* - improves performance by loading the overall page before the product table, and loading 1 page of products at a time
  • cache - whether to use caching to speed up table load time


  • widths - sets the width of each column
  • wrap - controls whether or not content is wrapped onto multiple lines
  • show_footer* - shows or hides the footer row of the table
  • scroll_offset* - changes the height that the page scrolls to when you move between pages in the product table
  • numeric_terms – fixes any issues if you’re using numeric slugs for your categories or taxonomies

Product table shortcode examples

To get you started, here are some popular examples of different ways to use WooCommerce Product Table.

Basic usage displaying all products (see below for full list of columns):
[product_table columns="name,summary,tags,price,buy"]

Display products from a single category (use the category slug or ID):
[product_table columns="sku,name,description,tags,price,buy" category="ebooks"]

Display products from several categories. This example shows products in the “ebooks” category or the “audiobooks” category:
[product_table columns="id,name,categories,price,buy" category="ebooks,audiobooks"]

Display products that belong to several categories. This example shows products that are in the “featured”, “course”, and “health” categories:
[product_table columns="name,summary,tags,price,buy" category="featured+course+health"]

Exclude products from a category. This example excludes products in the “clients” category:
[product_table exclude_category="clients"]

Display product image. Defaults to 50 by 50 pixels, but you can specify a custom image size if you wish:
[product_table columns="image,name,price,buy" image_size="80x80"]

Choosing custom column headings:
[product_table columns="name:Product Name,reviews:Rated,date:Added On,price:Unit Price"]

What else can I do?

Please also see our articles on advanced usage, which include advice on adding product tables to the main shop page or category archives, translating the product table into other languages, developer documentation, and more. We've also published a list of compatible third party plugins that you can use with WooCommerce Product Table.

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