WooCommerce Product Table Compatibility Program Logo
Calling all WordPress theme and plugin developers! We're pleased to announce that you can now apply for our new WordPress plugin compatibility scheme for WooCommerce Product Table.

Thousands of WordPress websites worldwide are now increasing their sales with our bestselling WooCommerce Product Table plugin. People constantly ask us whether WooCommerce Product Table works with a specific theme or plugin.

We've already published a list of compatible third party themes and plugins we have tested with. However, there are many themes and plugins that we haven't tested with.

We want to help our customers to use product tables to meet more and more diverse requirements. You can achieve amazing things by combining WooCommerce Product Table with other developers' plugins. As a result, we've decided to launch a formal scheme for theme and plugin developers to get certified and declare compatibility with WooCommerce Product Table.

Compatible themes and plugins get more sales

By getting your WordPress themes and plugins certified as compatible with WooCommerce Product Table, you open up your product to a much bigger market.

As well as getting sales from people who are searching for your plugin directly, you can reach people who are seeking extra features for their product tables.

Adding the compatibility badge to your plugin sales page can also boost conversions by reassuring customers that your plugin is well tested and compatible with other plugins they want to use. This makes them more likely to use your plugin rather than one that hasn't been tested.

You get more customers, we get more customers, and your customers can build more robust websites by using plugins that work well together. Everyone wins!

How does the WordPress plugin compatibility scheme work?

Once you apply to the compatibility scheme, we'll set up your theme/plugin on a test site where you can test it with WooCommerce Product Table. If the plugins are compatible, then we will accept your theme or plugin onto the scheme.

When this happens, then you will receive an official certification mark to use to promote the theme/plugin. We will also promote your theme and plugin on our own website.

What does it cost?

Absolutely nothing! This is a free WordPress plugin compatibility scheme designed to help both your customers and ours.

What are the benefits for my theme/plugin?

  1. If your WordPress theme or plugin is compatible, then we will permit you to use the official WooCommerce Product Table Compatibility logo on your website and sales materials. You can use it on WordPress.org (for free WordPress plugins), third party marketplaces such as ThemeForest or CodeCanyon, and your own website. This will encourage more people to buy your theme or plugin.
  2. We will list your theme or plugin as a certified product on our compatibility page, including a dofollow link to your site.
  3. We'll announce the compatibility to our customers on our social media channels.
  4. If you wish, then you can write a tutorial about how to use your theme/plugin with WooCommerce Product Table. We'll publish this on the Barn2 blog, including dofollow links back to your site. We will also email the tutorial to our mailing list.
  5. You can also join the Barn2 Media affiliate scheme and earn 30% commission for any sales we get as a result of people clicking the compatibility badge on your website. Just add your affiliate link to the WooCommerce Product Table Compatibility logo and anywhere else you mention the compatibility. This gives you double benefits: it encourages more people to buy your theme or plugin. You also earn affiliate commission when your customers buy WooCommerce Product Table!

WooCommerce Subscriptions Product Table

It's well documented that if you want to build a successful e-commerce business, then a recurring revenue model is the way forward. Selling WooCommerce subscription products can be much more profitable than charging for each purchase as a one-off.

After all, your marketing costs are the same whether the customer makes a one-off purchase or a regular subscription. But with an ongoing subscription, that same customer is paying you every week, month or year (depending on your billing schedule and business model) on top of sign-up fees – for no extra customer acquisition or marketing costs.

WooCommerce Subscriptions is the official extension for taking recurring payments in your WooCommerce store. It provides an easy way to create subscription products and sell them on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis. It comes with all the subscription management features you'll ever need, such as the option to add a free trial period and one-off sign-up fees on top of the regular subscription payment and subscription renewals. Your customers will be billed automatically for their regular subscription fees using your chosen payment method - whether this is PayPal, Stripe, or another payment gateway. This means you can enable automatic payments.

WooCommerce Subscriptions integrates nicely with our top selling WooCommerce Product Table and Quick View Pro WordPress plugins. Used together, your subscriptions are listed in a searchable, sortable table view with filters and quick view lightboxes

See the two plugins in action on our subscriptions demo site!

I'm going to tell you more about the benefits of using WooCommerce Product Table and Quick View to list subscription products. I'll also explain exactly how the two plugins work together and where to get them.

Product Table Subscriptions Quick View

The downside of WooCommerce Subscriptions

I think that WooCommerce Subscriptions is a fantastic WP plugin. We've used it on lots of our clients' websites and helped them to build recurring revenue for their business. However, it does have one major problem.

The problem: You can only buy subscriptions on the single product page

The Subscriptions recurring payments plugin just lists subscription products or downloadable product in the same layout as any other WC product. The only difference is that the 'Add to Cart' button is replaced with some other text. Customers have to click through to the single product page to see information such as the product description and other useful data. That's fine for some types of subscription, but others will sell better with a different type of layout.

For example, what if you want subscribers to be able to view your subscription products alongside one another and make comparisons? Well, that's not possible with the default layouts because you have to click through to the single product page for full details.

What if you want customers to subscribe without having to visit a separate page for each product?

Solution 1: List WooCommerce subscription products with the WooCommerce Product Table plugin

WooCommerce Product Table lists each subscription product on a separate row in the table layout. Subscribers can easily view the subscription pricing, make comparisons, and add to the cart without having to click elsewhere. Every time you add a new subscription or new product, it'll automatically appear in the product table.

It's an ideal way to increase the recurring revenue from your online store.

WooCommerce Product Table has over 50 options for choosing how to list your subscription products. Here are some of the most important ones to use with WooCommerce Subscriptions:

  • Display add to cart buttons directly in the subscription product list. Customers can choose a quantity and buy directly from the product table view.
  • You can choose your columns to show extra data about each subscription directly in the table. This means that customers can choose a subscription without having to click elsewhere.
  • Add filter dropdown lists above the table or filter widgets in the sidebar. This lets customers quickly find a subscription product based on category, tag, attribute, and other data.

Solution 2: Sell subscriptions in a WooCommerce Quick View lightbox

WooCommerce quick view product table subscriptions


Alternatively, you can sell subscriptions outside of the single product page by adding the WooCommerce Quick View Pro plugin. This adds quick view buttons for each product. Customers can use these to view extra information in a lightbox window. They use the lightbox to choose variations and add subscriptions to the cart, without having to visit a separate page.

Can I use solutions 1 and 2 together?


You can use WooCommerce Product Table and Quick View Pro together. Your subscription products will be listed in a table layout, with or without add to cart buttons. The tables can also contain quick view buttons or links so that customers can also purchase subscriptions from the lightbox. It'll look just like this on the front-end:

WooCommerce-product table quick view services with subscriptions plugin

How to list WooCommerce subscriptions in a product table

WooCommerce Subscriptions and WooCommerce Product Table work together automatically. You don't have to do any extra setup to use them together.

  1. Simply install the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin and set up your subscription products. This is really easy - just choose 'Simple subscription' from the dropdown in the 'Product data' section when you create a product. You can then choose your subscription amount, frequency and add a free trial period and setup free if required.
Create WooCommerce subscription
  1. Once you've done that, install WooCommerce Product Table and follow the instructions to create your first product table. Make sure you include a 'Price' and 'Add to Cart' column in the product table. This is where the subscription product information and pricing will appear.
The shortcode for your quick order form.
  1. Now view the product table page. You'll see the subscription information listed in the 'Price' column. The plugin has replaced the text in the add to cart button with the wording that you can configure on the WooCommerce Subscription plugin settings page. When a customer adds a subscription product to the cart, the recurring payment (made through PayPal, Stripe, credit card, or a different payment gateway) will be correctly passed through. The subscription information will appear in the cart, checkout and in order confirmation email notifications. Perfect!

How to use WooCommerce Subscriptions with Quick View Pro

WooCommerce Subscriptions is fully compatible with WooCommerce Quick View Pro. As a result, you can use the two plugins together and let customers buy subscriptions from the quick view lightbox.

The plugins work together with no special configuration. This means that you simply set them both up in the usual way, and the subscription options will automatically appear in the lightbox. Just make sure you enable the Add to Cart buttons on the quick view plugin settings page.

Sell subscriptions to a hidden members area

WooCommerce Subscriptions and WooCommerce Product Table also work nicely with the official WooCommerce Memberships and Groups for WooCommerce plugins.

Both of these WordPress memberships plugins let you restrict access to an exclusive members-only area on your website. They work in slightly different ways, so check out this comparison to help you choose. In a nutshell, both plugins work by creating a WooCommerce product for each type of membership or subscription plan that you wish to sell. For example, if you want to sell access to 3 different areas on your website, then you would create a membership product for each one and list them individually using WooCommerce Product Table. Customers can choose the membership options they require and add them all to the cart, directly from the product table view.

Used without WooCommerce Subscriptions, WooCommerce memberships lets you take one-off payment for access to hidden content on your website. You can use it with the Subscriptions plugin to get ongoing revenue from your membership site, e.g. to take recurring annual subscription payments. This is obviously a better business model than one-off access!

Variable subscriptions

WooCommerce Product Table works perfectly with standard subscription products. It does not integrate with variable subscription products.

If you'd like to offer different options for your WooCommerce subscription products, then there are two simple workarounds:

Workaround #1 - Use WooCommerce Quick View Pro

WooCommerce Product Table Quick View Magnifying Glass
If you're selling variable subscriptions, then you can list these successfully in a product table without an add to cart column. Instead, install the WooCommerce Quick View Pro plugin and add a quick_view column to the product table.

Customers can click on the button to select variations and buy variable subscriptions from the quick view lightbox. This makes the subscribing process incredibly easy.

Workaround #2 - Use All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions

Alternatively, you can use the All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin to sell variations for your simple subscriptions. This allows you to sell variations directly in the add to cart column of the product table, without the problems that you get with variable subscriptions:

  • Set up the product as a 'Variable product', NOT a 'Variable subscription'. Add your attributes and variations in the usual way.
  • Install the All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions add-on for WooCommerce Subscriptions. This handy plugin lets you add subscriptions options to normal variable products, instead of having to use the 'Variable subscriptions' product type.
  • Click the 'Subscriptions' tab near the bottom of the Product Data section. Set up your subscription options as required.
Subscribe All The Things WooCommerce

Your variable simple subscription product will appear in the product table. If you just offer one subscription option then this will automatically be passed to the cart when the customer selects a variation. If you offer a choice of subscription options (e.g. weekly and monthly subscriptions) then these will appear as radio buttons when the customer chooses a variation:

WooCommerce variable subscription

You can also see the workaround in option in the second table on our subscriptions demo page.

Where to get the subscription plugins

As you can see, WooCommerce Product Table is the perfect way to display your subscription products. Customers can quickly look through the list of subscription options and add their subscriptions straight to the cart. No need to visit the single product page!

You can get the plugins by clicking on these links:

Product Table Subscriptions Quick View

WooCommerce brands product table plugin

Customers love their favorite brands. That's why you need the best WooCommerce brand plugins to display product by brand, allow them to filter by brand, and more.

In the world of e-commerce, product branding is a critical element in building a strong online presence. For businesses using WooCommerce, showcasing your product brands effectively can make a significant difference in attracting and retaining customers.

Fortunately, WooCommerce provides several plugins to help enhance the display of product brands on your website. In this article, we will explore how to use three of the most popular WooCommerce brand plugins:

  • YITH WooCommerce Brands - Easily store information about the brand of each product in your store.
  • WooCommerce Product Table - Display products in a quick order form complete with information about their brand. Customers can view products by brand, sort by brand, and more.
  • Product Filters - Allow customers to filter products by their favorite brand.

In this article, I'm going to tell you why you might want these plugins, how they work together, and how to set them up. By the end, you will have a solid understanding of how to use these tools to showcase your product brands effectively and improve your online store's performance.

What is WooCommerce Brands?

YITH WooCommerce Brands is an official extension which adds a product brands taxonomy to any WooCommerce store.

It's quite a simple plugin and simply provides an easy way to store and display the brand of each product. It also has a few extra features such as an A-Z layout listing all your brands, and built-in widgets to display and filter by brand.

This is how to add brands to your WooCommerce products:

  1. Install YITH WooCommerce Brands on your WordPress site.
  2. Go to the 'Edit Product' screen for any product. You will see a new 'Brands' section on the right.
  3. Add a brand to the product.

As you can see, working with WooCommerce Brands is really easy.

Limitation of WooCommerce Brands

While the WooCommerce Brands plugin is everything you need to tag each product with brand information, it's not ideal for displaying products by brand. For example, it can't:

  • List products by brand.
  • Let customers sort your product list by brand.
  • Let customers filter and find product by brand.

Keep reading to discover two plugins that work alongside WooCommerce Brands to fill these gaps.

List and sort products by brand

WooCommerce brands product table view

WooCommerce Product Table is our flagship plugin here at Barn2. It works by listing your WooCommerce products in an interactive table or one-page order form. It comes with extra features such as customizable columns, search box, product variations support and more. The table plugin also provides more sophisticated ways to allow WooCommerce users to filter by brand.

Product table views are a popular way to increase conversion rates. They can boost your sales because it makes the buying process quicker and easier. Customer can quickly view all your products on a single page. They can see all the information they need (including brand, if you're using the WooCommerce Brands plugin). This lets them add to the cart without having to click elsewhere.

One of WooCommerce Product Table's biggest selling points is its ability to show extra data directly on the product listing page. It supports all the standard WooCommerce product data such as name, price, add to cart, description, short description, attributes, variations - the list goes on. However, the WooCommerce core doesn't come with a brands field. That's why you need to use it with the WooCommerce Brands plugin to display product brands in a table.

Once you have created a product table with a brand column, customers can click on the column header to instantly sort products by brand.

How to Use WooCommerce Brands with WooCommerce Product Table

  1. First, install and set up YITH WooCommerce Brands if you haven't already. Tag your products with their brand, as described earlier in this WooCommerce Brands tutorial.
  2. Next, use the plugin documentation to create brands and assign them to your products. This is really easy - just look for the 'Brands' section on the right of the Add/Edit Product screen.
    WooCommerce Brands Plugin Add Brand
  3. Next, install WooCommerce Product Table.
  4. Use the plugin settings wizard to choose how you want your product tables to work. The wizard opens automatically when you first activate the plugin.
  5. In the 'Columns' section of the setup wizard, choose which columns you want to appear in the product table. You can see the available columns here - choose whichever you want, such as product image, name, price, add to cart, etc. If you want to include a 'Brands' column, make sure you add tax:yith_product_brand to the list of columns. For example, adding image,name,tax:yith_product_brand,price,buy will display columns for image, name, product brand, price and add to cart button.
  6. Add a [product_table] shortcode onto the page. By default, this will list all your products but there are options to show specific products if you prefer.
  7. Finally, view your page!

When you view your product table with WooCommerce brands, you will see a list of products your chosen settings. You'll also see a 'Brands' column in the table. Clicking on a brand in the WooCommerce table will filter the list of products by that brand. However, I'll show you how to add more user-friendly brand filters in a minute.

How to list products with a specific brand

You can also use WooCommerce Product Table to list products by brand. To do this, add the terms option to your product table shortcode.

For example, the following shortcode will list all Nike products:

[product_table term="yith_product_brand:nike"]

Replace 'Nike' with the slug for the brand you wish to display.

Let customers filter by brand

While the WooCommerce Product Table plugin includes simple filter dropdowns, you probably want more visual ways to let customers filter by brand. After all, customers love buying products by their favorite brand and want a quick way to find and view them.

The best way to do add sophisticated and eye-catching brand filters to WooCommerce is to install the Product Filters plugin. This comes with a wide range of styles which you can use to filter by brand, including:

  • Checkboxes and radio buttons listing all the brands.
  • A clickable image of each brand (**recommended**).
  • A word cloud displaying the name of each brand as labels.
WooCommerce faceted search filters
Filter by any type of product data, including brand

How to add a brand filter to WooCommerce

It's easy to add filter by brand to your WooCommerce store:

  1. Make sure that YITH WooCommerce Brands is already installed, with or without WooCommerce Product Table.
  2. Install the WooCommerce Product Filters plugin.
  3. There are several ways to choose where the filters will appear on the page. You can use either of these options separately, or combine them to add filters to multiple locations:
    • To display filters above the list of products on all your shop pages, select the name of the relevant filter group in the plugin setup wizard. You can also do this on the plugin settings page at Products → Filters → Settings.
    • Go to Appearance → Widgets and add a 'Product Filters' widget. This will display it in the sidebar area on the pages where you list products.
    • You can also display filters in other locations such as via shortcodes and Gutenberg blocks, or in your page builder plugin such as Elementor. Learn how in the plugin documentation.
  4. Go to Products → Filters and add or edit a filter group.
  5. Add a filter in your chosen style (e.g. image buttons).
  6. Select 'Custom Taxonomy' as the source of the data to be used in the filter. Select 'Brand' as the taxonomy name.

Take your WooCommerce brands to the next level

Enhancing the display of product brands on your WooCommerce store can improve the best branding plugins for WooCommerce, you can effectively showcase your product brands and make it easy for customers to find and filter products based on their preferences.

  • The YITH WooCommerce Brands plugin enables you to efficiently store and manage comprehensive brand information for each product in your store.
  • With the WooCommerce Product Table plugin, you can display your products in a streamlined order form that includes brand information, and enable customers to view products by brand, sort by brand, and more.
  • The WooCommerce Product Filters plugin empowers customers to filter products by their favorite brands, making it easier for them to find and purchase the products they desire.

With the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can take your product branding to the next level and create a strong online presence for your business. So, don't hesitate to start implementing these plugins on your WooCommerce store and see the positive impact it has on your sales and customer engagement.

WooCommerce geolocation plugin

We're pleased to announce that our WooCommerce Product Table plugin works with a WooCommerce geolocation plugin. You can use this to show different content in your product tables depending on the customer's country.
WooCommerce Product Table Plugin Compatibility Logo

GeoTargeting Lite – WordPress Geolocation shows or hides completely different product tables depending on the customer's country. Each product table can show products from a different category or tag. Use this plugin to show different products to different countries, listed in an interactive product table layout. GeoTargetingWP has joined the official WooCommerce Product Table compatibility scheme.

How to use GeoTargeting Lite with WooCommerce Product Table

Next, I'll tell you how to create different product tables which appear depending on the user's country.

How the WooCommerce geolocation plugin works

The free WooCommerce geolocation plugin comes with 2 shortcodes:

  • [geot country="US"] USA only content [/geot]
  • [geot exclude_country="US"] Everyone except USA will see this [/geot]

You can use these to show or hide specific content anywhere on your website depending on the user's country. The geolocation plugin looks at their IP address to decide which country they're in.

You need to know the correct 2-letter alpha country code for the geolocation to work.

How to create country-specific WooCommerce product tables

Use the WooCommere geolocation shortcodes to create country-specific product tables. I'm assuming that you have already set up WooCommerce and added your products.

  1. Install WooCommerce Product Table and GeoTargeting Lite – WordPress Geolocation.
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Product Table, activate your WooCommerce Product Table license key, and configure the plugin settings to choose your product table columns, filters etc.
  3. Next, you need to label your products based on the countries they should be visible to. You can use categories or tags for this. Or if you're already using categories and tags for something else, then create a WooCommerce taxonomy and use this instead. If you want a single product to appear for multiple countries, then it's ok to put them in more than one category/tag/taxonomy.
  4. Create a new page where you will be adding the country-specific product tables.
  5. Next, you need to use the geolocation shortcodes to create product tables that are only visible depending on the user's country. Put the [product_table] shortcode inside the geolocation shortcodes. This will show or hide a product table to the correct country only, depending on which shortcode you're using.
  6. Add as many WooCommerce geolocation shortcodes to the page, each showing or hiding product tables from one or more countries. Use the examples below as guidance on how to do this.

Tip: If you want a specific product table to be visible or hidden from more than one country, then you can add multiple country codes within a single shortcode, Just separate them with commas.

Geolocation example 1

The following combination of shortcodes will create a page containing 2 product tables: 1 showing products from a category called 'france-germany' to customers in France and Germany only, and 1 showing products from the 'UK' category to customers in the UK only:

[geot country="FR,DE"][product_table category="france-germany"] [/geot]

[geot country="US"] [product_table category="us"] [/geot]

As you can see, I have added two product tables to the page. However, each customer will only ever see one product table depending on their location.

Geolocation example 2

This time, we'll use the exclude option to create a product table that will not appear for customers in the US. This assumes that you have tagged these products 'US':

[geot exclude_country="US"] [product_table tag="us"] [/geot]

Geolocation example 3

In this final example, we'll use the include and exclude options together. This will create a product table that is visible to all countries except for Australia. It assumes that I have created a category called 'Australia' for the Australia-only products. It's a useful method if sell different products to a specific country in WooCommerce, e.g. for legal reasons.

[geot country="AU"] [product_table category="australia"] [/geot]

[geot exclude_country="AU"] [product_table exclude_category="australia"] [/geot]

All customers will see 1 product table on the page. Customers in Australia will see the products from the Australia category, and everyone else will see all your other products.

How to show and hide the country-specific products elsewhere on your site

The above instructions will only show or hide the products in your WooCommerce product tables.

You will need to use the geolocation plugin's other features to restrict the visibility of products elsewhere in your store, for example on the main shop pages, widgets and single product pages. To help with this, you can use the above shortcodes anywhere on your site and in template files.

If you want to restrict access to any of the default WooCommerce pages and direct people to your geolocation product table page, then the free Redirection plugin is perfect for this. Simply add a redirect from any unwanted pages such as the main Shop page, and users will be taken to your product tables page instead.

Do any other geolocation plugins work with WooCommerce Product Table?

Right now, this is the only WooCommerce geolocation plugins that we know works correctly in the product table view.

We also tested with Product Country Restrictions and found that it works with WooCommerce Product Table. However, that plugin is no longer actively updated or supported, so we wouldn't recommend it.

There are some geolocation plugins that definitely don't work with it, and we have included these on our list of incompatible plugins.

There are other geolocation plugins that we haven't tested with. Please let us know if you discover any more that work with WooCommerce Product Table, and we'd be happy to include them on this page.

Where to get the WooCommerce geolocation plugin

You can get WooCommerce Product Table from our website. GeoTargeting Lite – WordPress Geolocation is available free from WordPress.org.

Get WooCommerce Product Table

WooCommerce Product Table WPML CompatibleWe're delighted to announce that WPML, the market leading WordPress multilingual system, have formally tested our WooCommerce Product Table plugin and confirmed that it is fully WPML compatible.


We have always tested our WordPress and WooCommerce plugins with WPML. However, this is the first time that we have submitted a plugin to them for formal testing and review. They were happy that WooCommerce Product Table works perfectly with WPML and have issued a certificate of compliance.

Note: Since publishing this article, WPML have discontinued their compatibility program. However, you can still use it with WooCommerce Quick View Pro.

WPML have also published a demo site where you can test WooCommerce Product Table on a multilingual WPML site. To see it in action, visit the demo site and click the languages dropdown in the top right corner.

Demo: Test drive WooCommerce Product Table with WPML.

What about Barn2 Media's other plugins?

Next, we plan to submit our other WordPress plugins to WPML for formal testing and certification.

In the meantime, we have already tested all our plugins with WPML so you can safely use them together for your multilingual websites.


WooCommerce multi-vendor plugin product table

Lots of people ask how to use our Product Table plugin with a WooCommerce multi vendor marketplace plugin. A multi vendor plugin lets multiple sellers upload and sell products in your WooCommerce store.

Product table layouts are the perfect way to list vendors' products, as you can show more products per page and choose which information to display about each product. A table view also makes it easier to find products, as you can add features such as keyword search and product filters.

What is a WooCommerce multi vendor plugin?

A product vendors plugin transforms any WooCommerce store into an online marketplace with multiple product vendors or sellers.

All multi vendor plugins work in similar ways, so read about them all and choose your favorite one that works with WooCommerce Product Table.

WooCommerce marketplace plugin with product tables

Sellers can register as a product vendor on your WordPress website, or you can add vendors manually. Each vendor can upload products to sell on your WooCommerce store. All the vendors' products are sold together in an online marketplace, similar to popular websites such as Etsy or Not on the High Street. Each vendor will have their own store page within your WooCommerce store, and you can also list products centrally.

You can choose how to pay your vendors. Most multi vendor marketplace plugins have built-in options for giving them commission and sharing profits.

Which WooCommerce multi vendor plugin should I use?

There are quite a few WooCommerce multi vendor plugins, such as YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor, MultiVendorXDokan Multivendor Marketplace, and WooCommerce Product Vendors. I've tested them all and can tell you that the best plugin to use with WooCommerce Product Table is YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor/Marketplace.

It's from a reputable company and integrates fully with WooCommerce Product Table. This means that you can build a fully functional multi-vendor marketplace, with the vendors' products listed in a user-friendly order form layout. As well as having a separate shop page for each vendor, you can create a central page listing all the products in the marketplace. Customers can easily filter by data such as vendor or product attributes to find what they're looking for.

As a result, I will mostly focus on YITH's in this tutorial. At the end I'll show you how to use other WooCommerce multi vendor plugins with WooCommerce Product Table - but there are some compromises involved.

If you're using a different WooCommerce multi vendor plugin, don't worry. I'll provide tips on how to use it with product tables later. But for the fullest integration with WooCommerce Product Table, use YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor.

Keep reading to find out how!

What is WooCommerce Product Table?

WooCommerce Product Table is a WordPress plugin by ourselves at Barn2. It lets you list any type of WooCommerce product in a flexible table layout with search box, filters and any product data that you want to display. It's popular for creating a one-page order form layout for a WooCommerce multi vendor marketplace.

The plugin comes with over 50 options, so there are literally dozens of ways you can customize your product tables. For example,  you can create tables listing all the products in the marketplace, or products from a specific vendor only. I'll talk about the most popular options to use with a WooCommerce multi vendor plugin later.

Here's a video to explain how WooCommerce Product Table works:

How to use YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor with Product Table

WooCommerce multi vendor plugin with product tables
Create an order form listing all products in the marketplace, or separate shops for each vendor

To get started, install WooCommerce Product Table and YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor.

The multi-vendor plugin allows you to create multiple vendors and give them the ability to add products and manage their orders. The product table plugin creates better layouts for your multivendor store. This combination will get more sales for your sellers, and more commission for you - everyone wins!

Set them up now using the documentation for your chosen plugin. Add some products and vendors to get you started.

Set up your multi-vendor product tables

  1. Install WooCommerce Product Table.
  2. Navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Products → Product Tables and enter your license key. Choose the default settings for your multi vendor product tables. In particular, you should:
    • Enable the option to display product tables on the Shop page, Vendor taxonomy, and anywhere else you want to use them.
      WooCommerce Product Table Shop Archive template
    • Choose which columns of data you want to include about your marketplace products. For example, you might add image, name, tax:yith_shop_vendor, price, buy. This will display columns for the product image, name, vendor, price, and add to cart buttons.
    • For the 'Add to cart buttons' option, select either 'Checkbox' or 'Button and checkbox'. This helps to increase conversions by allowing customers to add multiple products to the cart at once.
    • In the variations option, select 'Dropdown'. That way, vendors can select variations from directly in the product table.
    • Enable the 'Lazy load' option if the marketplace is likely to have a lot of products.
    • Set the 'Filters' option to 'Custom' and add tax:yith_shop_vendor if you're creating a central page for the whole marketplace. This will let customers filter to find products from a specific vendor. If each vendor will have their own shop page, then add something different like categories, tags. This will add filter dropdowns above the table for the product categories and tags.

Viewing all products in the central marketplace

Now go to the 'Pages' section of the WordPress admin and find the page that is labelled 'Shop'. View the page, and you'll see a product table listing all the products in the multi vendor marketplace.

The table will have whichever columns you choose on the WooCommerce Product Table plugin settings page. If you enabled other features such as filters then these will show too. For example, you might have a filter dropdown above the table where customers can choose a specific vendor. Customers can also click on any vendor in the Vendors column to view products from that seller.

If any of your vendors sell variable products, then the variation options will appear as dropdowns in the add to cart column.

Individual vendor shop pages

Multi vendor shop page with product table

The best thing about using WooCommerce Product Table with YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor/Marketplace is that you can also have a separate shop page for each vendor. That simply isn't possible with any other WooCommerce multi vendor plugins on the market.

The reason it's possible is because the YITH plugin creates a 'custom taxonomy' for each vendor. WooCommerce Product Table works perfectly with custom taxonomy archives. As a result, the taxonomy pages created using the multi vendor plugin will work with the product table layout.

I already showed you how to enable this in the previous section, when you enabled the table layout for the vendors taxonomy. Once you've done that, find the 'Vendors' section in the WordPress admin, and view the list of vendors. Click 'View' for one of them, and this will take you to their vendor shop page. You will see the vendor's products listed in a WooCommerce table.

Listing vendors' products manually

So far, you've learned how to automatically enable the order form layout on the central Shop page and individual vendor store pages. For even more flexibility, you can use a shortcode to list specific products on any page or post in your site. For example:

  • You can create pages listing products from specific categories.
  • To draw attention to specific marketplace products (e.g. Christmas products), you can publish blog posts. As well as writing in general about how perfect your marketplace is for a particular type of product, you can use WooCommerce Product Table to list relevant products.

To do this, add the [product_table] shortcode to a page or post. Use the documentation to choose which products appear in the table. You can list products by category, tag or attribute. Alternatively, use the term option to list products from a specific vendor. This is how to list the products of a vendor called 'vendor1':

  • Product Vendors - [product_table term="wcpv_product_vendors:vendor1"]
  • YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor - [product_table term="yith_shop_vendor:vendor1"]

The shortcode is also useful if you want different settings in different tables on your site. For example, you can add the columns option to the shortcode if you want certain tables to show different information.

How to use product tables with other WooCommerce multi vendor plugins

I mentioned earlier that  YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor works best with WooCommerce Product Table. That's because it creates a taxonomy for each vendor and display the vendors' shop pages as a taxonomy archive - both of which work with WooCommerce Product Table.

However, it is possible to use other multi vendor WooCommerce plugins with WooCommerce Product Table. It's just slightly trickier to set up, and there are some compromises involved.

Product Vendors

The official Product Vendors extension does create a vendors taxonomy which you can display in the product table. It's just not our top recommendations because YITH's plugin is more feature-rich overall.

To use Product Vendors with WooCommerce Product Table, follow the instructions which I have provided above for the YITH plugin. The only change is that you should use tax:wcpv_product_vendors for your column and filter names, instead of tax:yith_shop_vendor.


The next best option is MultiVendorX. With this multi vendor plugin, you can easily create a table of all your vendors, complete with a 'Vendor' column and 'Vendor filter dropdown above the table.

The only downside with MultiVendorX is that there's no automated way to enable the product table layout on the individual vendor store pages. Instead, you have to create these pages manually and add a shortcode to list their products.

MultiVendorX does create a taxonomy for each vendor. That's why you can display and filter vendors in the product table. However, it uses a custom template to create the page for each vendor, which doesn't work with WooCommerce Product Table. Your developer could customize the template to allow this (post a job on Codeable if you don't have a developer). I've also provided instructions below on how to manually list products for a specific MultiVendorX vendor.

How to use MultiVendorX with WooCommerce Product Table

  1. Install WooCommerce Product Table and MultiVendorX in the usual way.
  2. Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Products → Product tables and set up your product tables, as described earlier in this tutorial. In particular:
    1. To create a central place for the entire marketplace, tick the box to enable product tables on the shop page.
    2. In the columns option, add something like image,name,tax:dc_vendor_shop,price,buy. This will add columns for product image, name, vendor, price, and add to cart.
    3. Set the 'Filters' option to 'Custom' and add tax:dc_vendor_shop. This will add a 'Vendors' filter dropdown above the list of products so that customers can filter by vendor.
  3. To create individual vendor pages, create a page and add the shortcode [product_table term="tax:dc_vendor_shop"]. Replace 'vendor1' with the slug for the vendor whose products you want to list.
  4. Finally, you need to redirect the default vendor pages that MultiVendorX has created, so that customers are taken to the product table page for each vendor instead. To do this, install the free Redirection plugin and set up the redirects.
WooCommerce product vendors plugin with table layouts
Using MultiVendorX to create a table of a specific vendor's products

Dokan, WC Vendors, WCFM Marketplace and other multi-vendor plugins

Now we've got to the plugins that are a bit more difficult to use with WooCommerce Product Table. However, it's still possible and I'll show you how.

All of these plugins store the vendors in ways that WooCommerce Product Table can't work directly with. For example:

  • Dokan Multivendor Marketplace stores each vendor as a user and has its own custom called template store.php. One of our customers has also reported that WooCommerce Product Table is incompatible with the front end product submission in Dokan (although there is another method you could use).
  • WCMp/WCFM has its own custom template called wcfmmp-view-store-products.php.
  • WC Vendors uses the post author/WordPress user rather than storing the vendor information directly on the 'products' post type.

To enable these plugins to work with WooCommerce Product Table, you need to create your own custom taxonomy for 'Vendors'. You can use this to manually tag each vendor's products. Once you've done that, then you can use the two plugins together with no limitations.

If you don't create a vendors taxonomy, then you can still use WooCommerce Product Table to list the products from your entire marketplace. It just won't be possible to add a vendor column, filter by vendor, or list products from specific vendors only.

How to create a vendors taxonomy

Use our tutorial to create a WooCommerce custom taxonomy. Manually add the vendor name as a taxonomy term for each product. This is similar to adding tags in WordPress. You'll find the taxonomy on the right hand side of the 'Add/Edit Product' screen.

Once you've created your Vendors taxonomy, you can:

  • Add a vendor column.
  • Add a vendors filter above the table.
  • List the products from each vendor separately. To do this, either use the Product Table settings page to enable the table layout on the vendor taxonomy pages, or use a shortcode.

Improve your vendors' sales with WooCommerce quick view

WooCommerce Quick View Demo

As you have seen, a product table layout is ideal for listing multiple sellers' products in a WooCommerce multivendor marketplace. You can make it even more effective by combining it with the WooCommerce Quick View Pro plugin.

This adds quick view links or buttons to the product table view. Customers use these to see extra images, read more information, choose options and add to the cart from a quick view lightbox. It's a great way to keep customers on the product table page, as there's no need to direct them to a separate page to learn about each product.

After adding a product to the cart, the quick view lightbox closes. This brings the customer straight back to their current place on the list of products, where they can continue browsing. As a result, they're likely to buy multiple products and spend more in your marketplace store.

Create a multi seller marketplace with product tables

WooCommerce multiple product vendors plugin

WooCommerce multi vendor plugins are a fantastic way to transform your store into a complete marketplace with multiple sellers.

By adding WooCommerce Product Table to your multi vendor store, you can create improved layouts and increase sales. This benefits you and your product vendors, so get started today!

Use WooCommerce Product Table alongside YITH Multi Vendor Marketplace and list products from different vendors - the easy way.

WordPress password protected events plugin

There are lots of plugins to organize or sell events on a WordPress website, but it's less obvious how to create WordPress password protected events.

Today, I'm going to tell you how to use Password Protected Categories to protect events. This is an easy-to-use plugin that lets you password protect events based on their category. It works with any WordPress events plugin, whether you're using Events Calendar Pro, Event Espresso, WP Events Manager, or something else.

Let's get started!

What is Password Protected Categories?

Password proteted WordPress events plugin login page

Password Protected Categories is a WordPress plugin developed by ourselves at Barn2 Media. It provides an easy way to hide and password protect any type of category in WordPress.

The plugin works with any WordPress custom post type, including Events. This means that you can use it as a WordPress password protected events plugin.

There are lots of ways that you can use Password Protected Categories to hide or protect your upcoming events:

  • You can list events in the public areas of your website, but require a password before users can view the event detail page or make a booking.
  • Another option is to list public courses or events in the public parts of your website, and create 1 or more private event categories that only people with the password can view. These will be hidden from public view - people in the public parts of your site will never know that your private event listings exist.
  • Alternatively, you can put all your events within 1 or more hidden event categories. This hides the entire events section of your website, while your normal web pages (Home, About, Contact, Blog, etc.) remain public.
  • Finally, you can create hidden event categories which only certain logged in users or roles can see.

Create a private or password protected events category in WordPress. It will instantly hide and protect all the events in the category and its sub-categories with the same password. This is much easier than password protecting individual events. It's more user-friendly because people only have to enter one password to unlock the entire category and all its events.

See password protected event categories in action on our plugin demo page.

Why would I want to password protect events?

Some people use a WordPress events booking website to promote events which are available for everyone to view and book. Others create a private events website to advertise events that only pre-approved people can access.

Here are some examples of why you might want to sell private events in WordPress:

  • A company or organization might want to create a hidden events area on their website to list staff-only events or workshops.
  • Training companies might offer training course dates to employees of a specific organization. They can list these events within a hidden password protected events category. Employees can enter the password to view the dates that are available to them, and make a booking without the public knowing that these events exist.
  • A members-only events site (e.g. a membership club or speed dating site) can use password protected events categories to take bookings for their events. Only people with access to each type of event can view them and make a booking.
  • Some websites list all their events publicly, but only pre-approved people can actually place a booking. When you click on an event, you are prompted to enter a password. This is a good way to recruit people into a club or membership organization, as they must join in order to book an event.

And of course, you can password protect events in WordPress even if you don't take bookings via your website. The important thing is that the event pages are private. It doesn't matter whether or not you accept bookings or if people can just turn up on the day.

Which WordPress events plugins does Password Protected Categories work with?

WordPress Password Protected Categories works with the vast majority of WordPress events plugins. Here's how to tell if it will work with your chosen events plugin:

  1. The plugin must have a custom post type which is used to store events. This applies to nearly all WordPress events plugins. If your events plugin has created a section called 'Courses', 'Events' or similar in the left hand side of the WordPress admin, then this means that there's a custom post type for events.
  2. The events custom post type must come with categories (also known as hierarchical taxonomies in WordPress). You can check this by looking under the 'Events' link in the left hand side of the WordPress admin. If there's a 'Categories' link, then this will work with the Password Protected Categories plugin.
WordPress password protected events plugin compatibility
If your events plugin creates an 'Events' section (or equivalent) and comes with categories, then it will work with Password Protected Categories

If your events plugin doesn’t categorize events then you can easily achieve this by installing Easy Post Types and Fields and creating a custom taxonomy for the events post type.

Compatible WordPress events plugins

The following events plugins definitely work with Password Protected Categories:

This list is not exhaustive and it will actually work with most events plugins. If you're not sure, add a comment below and I'll check, or you can test it with Password Protected Categories and use our 30-day money back guarantee if there are any problems.

How to password protect events in WordPress

To start password protecting events, either watch the video or follow the instructions below:

  1. Password Protected Categories settings.First, install the Password Protected Categories plugin. (I'm assuming that your events plugin is already set up. If not, click here for some tips.)
  2. Go to Settings > Protected Categories and enter your license key.
  3. Choose your settings, such as the text for the password entry form. You can also choose the number of days before each user must re-enter the password to continue accessing the password protected events categories.
  4. Tick the 'Show Protected' box to display your password protected events in the public parts of your site. (This means that people can see your protected events, and will be prompted for a password when they try to view the single event page.) Leave it unticked if you want your protected events to be completely hidden from public view.
  5. Next, hover over the events section on the left of the WordPress admin, and click the Categories link. Add or edit the events category that you want to password protect. Find the 'Visibility' section and choose one of these options:
    • Password protected - Enter 1 or more passwords to hide the category page and its events behind a password protection screen. You can add a shared password for everyone, or add a different password for each person. (More info here.)
    • User or role protected - Choose this if you want to hide the category and its events from public view, so that only logged in users with a specific user role can see this.

WordPress password protect events category plugin

  1. Add the shortcode [category_login] anywhere on your site to create a category login form. When someone enters a password on this page, the plugin will automatically direct them to the correct events category.

Can I protect multiple event categories with the same password?

Yes, you can create more complex event category structures, all protected by a single password. To do this, you need to create a single password protected 'Parent' category and password protect it. Next, add as many sub-categories as you like. Leave them set to 'Public'.

The plugin will automatically protect the password protected sub-categories and their events with the same password as the parent events category. Users can enter the password once and the entire section will be unlocked for them. Once they're in, they can navigate between multiple events as needed.

How to create a WordPress events website

I've written this tutorial for people who already have a WordPress events plugin set up on their site. If you haven't got this far, don't worry.

I recommend The Events Calendar plugin as the best way to create events in WordPress. You can use the free plugin to list events for information, or combine it with the Pro plugins from the same company to take bookings online with WooCommerce.

If you don't know how to do this, I've created an online course about how to create a WordPress events website using these plugins. It covers everything you need to know.

Does the plugin change my event layouts?

Password Protected Categories is a simple plugin to protect and hide any or all of your WordPress event categories. If you want to change the way your events are displayed, then I recommend our Posts Table Pro plugin.

WordPress password protected events tablePosts Table Pro is a WordPress table plugin. Unlike most table plugins, it takes any type of WordPress content and lists it in an interactive table view with filters. It's ideal for listing events in a table because the table layout is perfect for displaying events. The table plugin lists each event date on a separate row of the table. You can show whichever columns of data you'd like, such as event image, name, description, date etc.

Check out our tutorial on how to create a table of events with Posts Table Pro and The Events Calendar plugin. If you're using a different WordPress events plugin such as Event Espresso then the instructions are similar. The only difference is that you need to use the name of the events post type created by your plugin instead.

Password protected events WordPress plugin

So, now you know how to hide and password protect event categories - regardless of which WordPress events plugin you're using. Next, it's time to put it into practice.

Download Password Protected Categories and use it with your chosen WordPress events plugin. It just takes a few minutes to set up and will instantly hide all the courses or events in your protected categories.

Password Protected Categories comes with an in-depth knowledge base and full support from us at Barn2 Media. It comes with everything you need to get your password protected events up and running, so try it today.

Pods tutorial create WordPress custom post type

Over 100,000 WordPress sites run the free Pods plugin. It's a fantastic way to create custom post types, custom fields, and taxonomies - everything you need to store extra data. Keep reading to discover an easy way to install Pods and list the data in a searchable, sortable table.

At Barn2, we love the WordPress Pods plugin because it makes it so easy to add extra content types to any WordPress website and has a list of premium addons. Instead of messing up your site by adding everything as pages and posts, you can create WordPress custom post types or CPT and create custom settings pages. Your new custom post types appear as separate sections on the left of the WordPress admin menu. They're perfect for storing articles, events, publications, members, directory listings, or something completely different. However, there is a problem.

While Pods is a wonderful and versatile plugin for creating custom post types, fields, and taxonomies in WordPress, it does have a limitation regarding displaying the custom data in the back end, which is great for storing and organizing information for internal use. However, it does not include any functionality to display the custom data on the front end, meaning that you will need to use additional tools or code to display the information on your website.

The solution is to use WordPress Pods plugins with the Posts Table Pro plugin. Posts Table Pro is a WordPress table plugin that displays your custom post types, fields, and taxonomies in a searchable, filterable table. It's the perfect way to show custom content.

Posts Table plugin
Using Posts Table Pro to display custom data creating using Pods

This Pods WordPress plugin tutorial is the complete guide on how to use Pods to create WordPress custom post types, custom fields, and taxonomies. I'll show you how to create each of these extra content types. You'll also learn how to display them on your website using Posts Table Pro.

In this article

WordPress custom post type fields plugin

Either read the whole article or click straight to the section you need. Alternatively, you can watch us create and display a custom post type in this video:

What are Pods?

Pods is a powerful and feature-rich plugin for WordPress. Whether you're looking to add custom post types, custom taxonomies, or custom fields that are meta boxes added to your posts to input additional information, this plugin provides you with all the tools you need to do so. Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields make it easy to create custom content types and fields, even for those without technical expertise, thanks to its user-friendly function.

One of the standout features of Pods is the level of support that it receives from a team of well-known WordPress.org experts. This ensures that the plugin is always up-to-date and in line with the latest development in WordPress.

I've obviously had my head in the sand for the last 4 years because according to the plugin changelog, Pods was released back in 2014 - and it has been updated every few months since then. For some reason, I only heard of it recently when customers started asking if our plugins work with Pods.

I did some investigation and discovered that lo and behold, Pods is a fantastic way for creating the extra data that people need to display using our WooCommerce and WordPress table plugins.

Download Pods

What are the alternatives?

There are various other plugins for creating WordPress custom post types, fields, and taxonomies. These include:

  • Advanced Custom Fields - Excellent for creating custom fields. There's a free and a Pro version. If you just need to create custom fields, then ACF is ideal for WooCommerce. ACF is compatible with Elementor, Gutenberg, WooCommerce, and WPML Multilingual plugin. But if you want custom post types and/or taxonomies too, then Pods is a better all-round plugin.
  • Toolset - This plugin is well-supported and from On the Go Systems, the company behind WPML. You can use it to create custom post types, fields, and taxonomies. I recommend Pods in this article because it's just as good as Toolset and completely free, but Toolset is a valid option too.
  • Custom Post Type UI - A free plugin for creating WordPress custom post types and taxonomies. I've used this a lot and it's a good option, but use Pods if you need custom fields too.

If you're using Posts Table Pro to list custom post types on your WordPress site, then you can equally create the data using any of the above plugins. However, we like Pods because you can use it to create custom post types, fields, and taxonomies. That way, you just need one WordPress plugin (Pods) to create and store the data, and another (Posts Table Pro) to display it on the front end.

How to create a WordPress custom post type with Pods

First, I'll show you how to use Pods to create a WordPress custom post type. I'm assuming that you have already installed the free Pods WordPress plugin. If you haven't done that yet, do it now.

  1. Add New WordPress Custom Post Type PluginNavigate to Pods Admin → Add New → Create New.
  2. On the 'Add New Pod' screen, choose 'Custom Post Type' from the 'Content Type (like Posts or Pages)' dropdown.
  3. Add a Singular and Plural label. This is how your WordPress custom post type will appear in the admin. For example, if you're creating a 'Documents' custom post type for a WordPress document library, then the Singular Label would be 'Document' and the Plural 'Documents'.
  4. Click 'Next Step'.
  5. The next screen lets you add custom fields to your custom post type. We'll look at this in the next section. For now, click on the 'Advanced' tab and scroll down to the 'Supports' and 'Built-in Taxonomies' sections. Tick any extra fields that you want to be available for your custom post type.
  6. Click 'Save Pod' and you can start adding custom posts straight away!
Edit Pod screen with WordPress custom post type link

Adding posts to your WordPress custom post type

Add WordPress custom post type Pods
'Add New' custom post screen with default fields

If you look to the left of the WordPress admin, you'll see a new link with the Plural Name you just added. To add a post to the custom post type you just created, go to [custom post type Plural Name] > Add New in the WordPress admin (e.g. Articles > Add New if your custom post type is called 'Articles')

The 'Add New' screen for your custom post type will look like my screenshot, plus any extra fields that you ticked in Step 5, above. Add all the data for your custom post and click 'Publish'. 

Keep reading to learn how to create custom fields and taxonomies for storing extra data in WordPress. Or if you want to get started with displaying your custom post types on your website without any extra fields, skip ahead now.

Creating WordPress custom fields with Pods

In this section, we'll explore how to use Pods to create custom fields for any post type in WordPress, including post types created with Pods, standard blog posts, pages, WooCommerce products, events, portfolios, and more.

Before diving into the process of creating custom fields with Pods, it's important to understand the various field types available. Pods offer a wide range of custom field types, including text, date, file uploads, checkboxes, and more. In this section, I'll provide a comprehensive list of all the custom field types you can create with Pods, to help you make informed decisions about which fields to use for your specific needs.

Pods custom field types

Posts Table Pro lets you display these Pods custom field types:

  • Plain Text - Unformatted text.
  • Website - A clickable link to any website or URL. Good for website links or downloads (e.g. in a WordPress document library).
  • Phone - Displays phone numbers. Use the 'Advanced' tab to select a format, and Pods will automatically add any dashes.
  • Email - A non-clickable email address. If you want to make it clickable, then I suggest adding it to a WYSIWYG field instead. That way, you can highlight the email address and add the link.
  • Plain Paragraph Text - Paragraphs of text with line breaks but no formatting.
  • WYSIWYG (Visual Editor) - Probably the most useful field type, this adds a full WordPress visual editor to your custom field. You can add any type of content and format it using the WordPress toolbar. You can even add images, videos, audio files, galleries, etc.
  • Date/Time, Date & Time - These 3 fields display dates and/or times. Use the 'Additional Field Options' tab to choose the format. Pods will show a date/time picker when you add data to this custom field. It will then show it on your website in the correct format.
  • Plain Number - Use this to store any number with no special symbols or extra formatting.
  • Currency - This field lets you display a currency or price. Use the 'Additional Field Options' to choose the currency symbol etc.
  • oEmbed - Displays any of the oEmbeds supported by WordPress. For example, if you paste a YouTube video URL then WordPress will automatically display it as an embedded video player using Posts Table Pro. (Note: You can also insert oEmbeds into the WYSIWYG field type.)
Add WordPress custom fields Pods plugin
I added data to various custom field types on a custom post
WordPress Pods Custom Field Types
Posts Table Pro displays the same custom fields like this

Pods custom fields that work but are less relevant/useful

  • Color Picker - With this field type, Pods will display a color picker when you add a custom post. Posts Table Pro will then show the hexadecimal value of the color. Not sure why you'd ever want to do this, but it's there if you need it!
  • Yes/No - In theory this field does work with our plugins. However, if you select 'Yes' then it will just display as '1', which isn't very user-friendly! I'd recommend a different field type for displaying this sort of information.
  • Code - Useful for displaying shortcodes or source code on your website.

Custom field types that can't be displayed using our plugins

  • Password field - You can use this to add an encrypted password in the back end, but the password column will appear blank if you try to display it using Posts Table Pro. This is for security reasons.
  • File / Image / Video - If you need to add files, images, or videos, then you can easily add these to one of the other field types. For example, you can add images using the 'Add Media' button of a WYSIWYG Visual Editor field, add videos by pasting a YouTube link to a WYSIWYG Visual Editor field or use the oEmbed field type.

How to create WordPress custom fields

Alright, now that you're familiar with the various custom field types that are available to you, it's time for me to guide you through the process of creating custom fields. Whether you want to add custom fields to a post type created using Pods or an existing post type, such as blog posts, pages, WooCommerce products, events, and others, the instructions will vary. However, don't worry, I'll walk you through the process step-by-step to make sure you end up with the custom fields you want.

Adding custom fields to Pods custom post types

  1. Go to Pods Admin > Edit Pods and click on the WordPress custom post type that you're creating custom fields for. This will take you to the 'Manage Fields' tab on the 'Edit Pod' screen.
  2. Click 'Add Field' and enter the data for your custom field:
    • Label - This will appear above the custom field on the add/edit custom post screen.
    • Name - (Generated automatically when you add the Label.)
    • Description (Optional.)
    • Field Type - Choose a supported type of custom field from the list above.
    • Options - Choose whether this field is mandatory when you create and save a custom post, or whether you can leave it blank.
  3. Click 'Save Field'.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to create as many WordPress custom fields as you need.

Adding custom fields to other WordPress post types

To add extra fields to other post types such as posts, pages, products, or events, the instructions are the same as above. However, instead of Pods Admin > Edit Pods, you need to go to Pods Admin > Add New and click the 'Extend Existing' option. From there, you can add custom fields to any post type - not just those created in Pods.

Entering data for your Pods custom fields

As you move forward with creating or editing a post in your WordPress custom post type, you'll notice a section named 'More Fields' that displays all of your custom fields. This section is located just below the main content editor for the post.

Enter all the relevant information for your custom fields and proceed to publish or update the post. With Pods, you don't have to worry about formatting errors as it provides helpful warnings if you attempt to enter any information in an incorrect format.

Now that you know to add custom fields to your posts, I'll explain how you can create custom taxonomies using Pods. On the other hand, if you're eager to start showcasing the custom post types and fields directly on your website, feel free to move ahead.

How to create WordPress custom taxonomies

So far, you've learned how to create a custom post type using the Pods framework. You've also learned how to create custom fields for your custom post type. Next, I'll teach you how to create taxonomies for your post types.

  1. Go to Pods Admin > Add New and click the 'Create New' option.
  2. On the 'Add New Pod' screen, select 'Custom Taxonomy (like Categories and Tags)' from the Content Type dropdown.
  3. Add a Singular Label and a Plural Label. For example, if you need the custom taxonomy to store country data then the singular should be 'Country' and the plural should be 'Countries'.
  4. Click 'Next Step'.
Create WordPress Custom Taxonomy Pods
  1. Most people reading this article won't bother adding fields to their taxonomies because (a) this is a niche case, and (b) they're not supported by our plugins. So go straight to the 'Advanced Options' tab and scroll down to 'Associated Post Types'. This is really important, as it's where you link WordPress taxonomy with the post type that you need to use it on. Choose a post type from the list. This could be normal WordPress pages or posts, or a custom post type.
  2. Click 'Save Pod'.

How to add custom taxonomy terms in Pods

WordPress taxonomyNow you've created a WordPress custom taxonomy for your post type, it's time to add data to it.

You can add categories and tags to your custom post type, allowing them to be displayed in multiple archive pages and appearing on your home page or blog page. To do so, go to the "Add or Edit" page for the post type you want to apply the taxonomy to. Just like WordPress categories, you'll see the taxonomy option on the right side of the page.

At first, it will look something like this screenshot, as you haven't added any data yet. Click 'Add New Country' (or whatever you called your taxonomy) and add 1 or more terms. These will appear as checkboxes. You can make terms parents of each other to create hierarchical taxonomies in a nested structure:

Add WordPress taxonomy term plugin

Tip: You can also add, edit, delete and restructure your custom taxonomies centrally. Find the post type on the left of the WordPress admin, and hover over it to find the link for the taxonomy. This page will be just like the main 'Categories' page in WordPress, and you can use it to manage the taxonomy terms.

Displaying Pods content in the front end of your WordPress website

Pods is an excellent tool for creating custom post types, fields, and taxonomies that can store additional data in the backend of your WordPress website. However, displaying custom post types metadata on the front end can be challenging, especially for non-technical users who do not have the time or expertise to add custom code to their template files.

For those who want an easier solution, Posts Table Pro is a WordPress table plugin that can help display the Pods fields on the front end of your website without the need for complex coding. This plugin makes it easy for you to showcase the custom data stored in Pods in a dynamic and organized manner on your public-facing pages. So, whether you're a developer or a non-technical user, Posts Table Pro provides an accessible way to bring your Pods fields to life on your website.

What is Post Table Pro?

Posts Table Pro is a powerful WordPress plugin that provides an easy solution to display all types of WordPress content management system, including custom post types, custom fields, and custom taxonomies, in a table format. The Table is fully searchable and sortable, which makes it easier for visitors to find the information they're looking for.

Additionally, Post Table Pro offers a range of filter options, so you can choose to display only specific columns or items, making it a highly flexible solution for displaying data on your website. With it, you can create tables of custom post types and fields that are easy to navigate, making it the ideal choice for anyone who wants to display their Pods fields on the front end of their website.

You can also use the plugin to display WordPress custom post types, with each custom post appearing as a separate row in the table. It can also display custom fields as columns in the table. You can list custom taxonomies as columns in the table, and also as filter dropdowns above the table. With WordPress Pods, you can even create tables that list posts with a specific value for a custom field or a term for a custom taxonomy. You can then add custom taxonomy filters. Additionally, using the WordPress Pods get field value function, you can retrieve the value of a specific field for a post.

I'll show you how to do all this next.

How to list custom post types Plugin on a WordPress website

  1. Install the Posts Table Pro plugin.
  2. Set up Posts Table Pro using the instructions in the 'Getting Started' email.
  3. Go to Pages > Add New and create a page that you'll use to list the custom post type.
  4. Add the following shortcode: [posts_table post_type="your_post_type"]
  5. Replace your_post_type with the label for the post type you want to display. If you created the post type using Pods then this will be the Singular Label you added earlier. If you added the Label as multiple words, then you need to add an underscore (not a hyphen) between each word, as I did in my example.
  6. Now view your page, and you will see all the posts for that custom post type listed in a neat table layout.

At this point, your list of custom posts will look something like this:

List WordPress custom post types on website

You can use the Posts Table Pro knowledge base to show different columns, rename the columns, and much more.

How to list custom fields in the front end

Next, I'll show you how to list your Pods custom fields as separate columns in the table. Again, you'll need Posts Table Pro for this:

  1. Create a table using Posts Table Pro, as per the instructions in the previous section. Extend your shortcode to something like this: [posts_table post_type="your_post_type" columns="title,cf:your_custom_field_1,cf:your_custom_field_2"]. Replace the blue text with the Singular Label of the custom fields you want to display. If the Singular Label consists of more than one word, then you need to add an underscore between each word. In my example shortcode, I have shown you how to add 2 custom field columns. You can add as many as you like - separated by commas, with cf: before each one.
  2. If you want to display formatted content (e.g. links, text formatting, HTML, shortcodes or video), then you should also add shortcodes="true" to the shortcode. For example: [posts_table post_type="your_post_type" columns="title,cf:your_custom_field_1,cf:your_custom_field_2" shortcodes="true"]

Now, your table will look something like this:

Display WordPress custom fields on website

How to show custom taxonomies in the front end

By now, you've learned how to display WordPress custom fields in a table with extra columns for custom fields and other data. You should see new fields appear in the sidebar of your dashboard or the label you designated. Now, let's extend it by showing a custom taxonomy:

  1. Use Posts Table Pro to create a table, as per the instructions in the previous two sections.
  2. Extend your shortcode by adding tax: followed by the Pods custom taxonomy. For example: [posts_table post_type="your_post_type" columns="title,cf:your_custom_field_1,cf:your_custom_field_2,tax:country" shortcodes="true"]. This time, replace the text in green with the actual Singular Label (separated by underscores if it's multiple words) for your WordPress taxonomy. If you want to show multiple taxonomies, then just separate them with commas and make sure you add tax: before each one.
  3. Save the page and view the table.

Your table will now contain the custom post title, custom fields, and custom taxonomies:

List custom taxonomies WordPress plugin


People can click on any custom taxonomy in the table to filter by that term. Read on to discover how to add taxonomy filter dropdowns above the table too.

Now you know how to create WordPress custom post types, fields, and taxonomies, and to list them on your website. Let me show you how to create tables that display only those posts that have a specific custom field value or taxonomy. Additionally, I'll explain how to add custom taxonomy filters to help users easily find your posts. This can be done by using WordPress Pods get field value that provides access and display the custom fields and taxonomies of your posts. With this plugin, you can easily filter and sort posts based on their custom field value or taxonomy term.

How to list posts based on a custom field value

You can use Posts Table Pro to show posts with a specific custom field value. For example, if you have a custom field called 'Vegetarian' then you can create a table listing all posts with a custom field value of 'Yes'.

To do this, you need to add cf="<field name>:<field value>" to the posts table shortcode. To use my example with Posts Table Pro, this would be:

[posts_table cf="vegetarian:yes"]

How to list posts with a specific custom taxonomy term

It's also possible to use our plugins to show posts that are labelled with a specific custom taxonomy term. For example, if you have a custom taxonomy called 'Country' then you can create a table listing all posts with the term 'France'.

You can do this by adding term="<taxonomy_label>:<term slug or ID>" to the posts table shortcode. To use my example with Posts Table Pro, this would be:

[posts_table term="country:france"]

How to let your users filter by custom taxonomy

Finally, I'll tell you how to add custom taxonomy filters above the list of posts. The filter will appear as a dropdown list - 1 for each custom taxonomy. Users can refine the list of posts by clicking on the taxonomy terms in the dropdowns.

To do this, add filters="tax:<taxonomy_label" to your posts table shortcode. For example, this shortcode will list posts with filters for the country and year taxonomies:

[posts_table filters="tax:country,tax:year"]

WordPress custom taxonomy filter plugin

How to password protect custom post types

Before we close, I'll quickly tell you how to hide your WordPress custom post types from public view. There are lots of reasons you might want to protect some or all of a custom post type. For example, you might be creating a private document library that only specific people can access. If you're a designer then you might need a private portfolio that is hidden from public visitors to your website.

There are 2 ways to do this:

  • Password protect categories within your custom post type
  • Create private custom post-type categories that are only visible to logged-in users based on their role

You can learn how to use both methods in our tutorial: Password Protect Any WordPress Custom Post Type (In Just 5 Minutes).

Pods: The verdict

In conclusion, Pods is a top-notch plugin that offers a comprehensive solution for creating Pods - custom content types and fields, and taxonomies within the WordPress platform. You can also create custom content types and fields by writing code, but it requires a good understanding of the functions.php file and custom CSS codes. With its user-friendly interface, versatility, and support from a team of WordPress experts, Pods provides an efficient and effective way to enhance the functionality of your website.

Used alone, you need some technical know-how to display Pods custom fields on the front end of your WordPress website. However, that's not a problem because you can use Posts Table Pro to list your Pods data, without needing any technical expertise.

What do you think of Pods compared to other plugins for creating custom data in WordPress? Did you find this Pods WordPress plugin tutorial helpful? Please let me know in the comments.

Posts Table Pro Pods

WordPress podcast hosting guide

Discover the best WordPress podcast hosting options to build your listener base, and how to set them up.

Podcasts have never been more popular, and for good reason: they're highly engaging, and a great way to draw attention to your business, sell your products, and earn money through advertising – but they also take a good deal of work to create. You need microphones, audio editing, and podcast hosting. It's easy to focus on the first two on this list, but quality WordPress podcast hosting is going to let you take your podcast to the next level.

In this article, I’m going to tell you why it’s important to choose the best WordPress podcast hosting option which will give you maximum exposure. We’ll talk about why it can be a great idea to host podcasts on your WordPress website. I’ll also show you how to display them more effectively in a way that keeps your podcast episodes evergreen so that people can continue to find and enjoy them long after they’re published. We’ll do this using the Posts Table Pro WordPress plugin, which is perfect for displaying podcast episodes and playlists in a searchable, filterable table.

Podcast player WordPress preview
Use the Posts Table Pro plugin to create a searchable table of podcast episodes

Why does podcast hosting matter?

Choosing the right podcast hosting platform can make all the difference in the success of your podcast. While microphones and audio editing software are important, podcast hosting is equally crucial. A quality podcast hosting platform will enable you to upload and share your podcast episodes easily and ensure that your listeners can access them quickly and without interruption.

The right podcast hosting platform can also provide advanced features and tools to help you grow your audience, such as analytics to track listener behavior and preferences, as well as built-in marketing and promotion tools. It can also give you full control and ownership over your podcast content, allowing you to decide how and where it is distributed.

Therefore, it's important to invest in a reliable podcast hosting platform that can offer fast and secure hosting services for your listeners and help you grow your audience and monetize your content. Without a good podcast hosting platform, your podcast may not be able to reach its full potential, and you may miss out on valuable opportunities to engage with your listeners and grow your brand.

Self hosted WordPress podcast hosting vs managed hosting

When it comes to podcast hosting, there are two primary options available: self-hosted WordPress podcast hosting and managed hosting. Both options have their own pros and cons, and understanding the differences between them is crucial for choosing the best hosting solution for your podcast.

Self-hosted WordPress hosting means that you are responsible for hosting and maintaining your own website and podcast. This means that you will need to purchase your own web hosting plan and install WordPress on your own server. You will also need to install and configure podcasting WordPress plugins, such as Seriously Simple Podcasting or PowerPress, to manage your podcast content. This option gives you complete control over your website and podcast, but it also requires technical knowledge and can be time-consuming to set up and maintain.

Managed hosting, on the other hand, is a hosting service where the hosting provider takes care of all technical aspects of hosting and maintaining your website, including security, backups, updates, and optimization. Managed hosting services often include a range of additional features and services, such as automatic updates, and advanced caching. This option is ideal for podcasters who want a hassle-free hosting experience and do not have the technical knowledge or time to manage their own hosting.

Why is self hosted WordPress podcast hosting better?

Self hosted WordPress podcast hosting can be a better option for several reasons. First, it gives you full control over your podcast and website. You have the freedom to customize your site as you wish and can choose which plugins and tools to use to manage your podcast content. This flexibility is particularly useful if you have specific design or functionality requirements.

Another advantage of self hosted WordPress podcast hosting is that you have complete ownership and control over your data. You are not reliant on a third-party hosting service to store and manage your content, which means you can back up and restore your data at any time.

A self hosted podcast also offers greater scalability, as you are not limited by the storage or bandwidth restrictions of a managed hosting service. This means you can upload and share as much content as you need, without worrying about running out of space or exceeding your monthly bandwidth allowance.

Getting started with WordPress as a podcast hosting platform

If you are looking to create a successful podcast, one of the most important decisions you will make is choosing the right hosting platform. While there are many hosting options available, WordPress stands out as a great choice for podcasters.

WordPress for podcast hosting is that it is highly customizable. With WordPress, you can choose from a wide range of themes and plugins to create a unique and professional-looking podcast website. You can also customize your site's design and functionality to meet the specific needs of your podcast and your audience.

In this post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to use WordPress as your podcast hosting platform. You will learn how to create a filterable and sortable database for your podcast episodes, as well as easily navigable archives, analytics, and email signup forms on your self hosted WordPress website. Additionally, we will cover how to keep your listeners engaged by automatically sending them new episodes via email.

Animated screenshot of the self-hosted podcast hosting, podcast library

Our step-by-step guide covers all you need to know about getting your podcast working, including:

  • Getting a WordPress website online.
  • Adding podcast episodes to your site using the Seriously Simple Podcasting WordPress plugin.
  • How to list podcast episodes in an archive using the Posts Table Pro plugin.
  • Submitting your podcast to iTunes, measuring its success with analytics, and turning listeners into subscribers with an email newsletter signup + auto sending of new episodes.

We'll keep costs to a minimum here: you'll need to pay for WordPress hosting (and a domain name, if you need one) and the Posts Table Pro plugin for podcast archives, but that'll be it. You can get a head start by getting Posts Table Pro right away.

Visit Podcast Archive Demo

Get started with WordPress

Back when it was hard to get high-quality hosting at reasonable prices, hosting companies would get a bit huffy about the large amounts of data transferred by podcasters' audio files. Because of this, it might have made more sense to subscribe to an all-in-one podcast hosting service. Compared to a website with just text and a few images, podcasts do use more data.

Thankfully, we now have ready access to super fast, reliable hosting, so the data transfer issue is becoming increasingly irrelevant. For most, going the self hosted podcast route is now by far the most beneficial.

By choosing the open source software, WordPress, rather than a traditional podcast hosting service, you'll maintain complete ownership over your podcast content. You'll also be able to maintain a core focus for your podcast marketing, with a central point to direct social media and search engine traffic to, a place to analyze listener numbers and engagement, and the option to hook listeners or advertise in whichever way fits your business model.

Overall, it's just much more flexible.

To get started, all you need is:

  1. A domain name
  2. A WordPress hosting plan
  3. A WordPress theme

If you already have a WordPress website up and running, skip ahead in one section, to add your podcast episodes to WordPress.

If you don't already have a website ready to go, read on. Here are the three steps you need:

1. Domain name

Firstly, you'll need a domain name so people can find your website and podcast easily. If you have a domain name already, you'll simply need to direct it to your WordPress hosting. If not, you can pick one up for a few dollars through a domain name provider, such as NameCheap. You should pick a domain name that matches either your brand or your podcast name (Domain Wheel is great for generating ideas).

2. WordPress hosting plan

We've previously discussed in detail how to choose a host for your WordPress website. For the purposes of hosting your podcast, we recommend getting started with some robust managed hosting, such as that offered by WP Engine.

WP Engine specializes in WordPress hosting, offers exceptional support, and has useful tools you can access directly from your WordPress dashboard.

The other benefit of using a WordPress hosting specialist like WP Engine is that all the work of installing WordPress is done for you. That means you'll be able to get on with the important business of designing your website and getting your podcast online.

3. WordPress theme

There are thousands of free and premium themes available in the WordPress theme directory – you can search and install these from your WordPress Dashboard by going to Appearance → Themes → Add New. One of the recent (free) themes which are included in all WordPress installations (the Twenty Something series) would be a convenient starting point. You can always change your theme later.

If you aren't familiar with WordPress, check out our top tips on creating a low-maintenance WordPress website. If you choose your theme wisely, you won't even need to do any code – perfect for non-techies! CodeinWP has a good list of free WordPress themes.

Make your own podcast hosting: Add podcast episodes to WordPress

Now you have your WordPress website ready, the next step is to upload and organize your podcast files.

There are a couple of ways you can go about uploading your podcast. The less desirable option is to add your media files directly to a post or page on your WordPress site. This will work fine in that people will be able to access your podcast on your website. However, it makes it tricky to measure your podcast's success, and even trickier to get the formatting correct for submitting to iTunes.

To solve these issues you can create a specific custom post type to make sure all the information is in the right place. Instead of reinventing the wheel, we recommend taking the quicker, easier (and free) alternative, which is to use a plugin that does exactly what you need it to.

Seriously Simple Podcasting

The Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin is ideal for WordPress podcast hosting. It's free, and does all of the above for you:

  • Creates a custom post type automatically, so it's easy to upload, assign metadata and manage your podcast files in one place from your WordPress website
  • Supports both audio and video podcasts
  • Pairs with extensions, including one that lets you analyze podcast usage stats
  • Formats your podcasts ready for submission to iTunes

First up, you'll need to add this plugin to your WordPress site. Go to Plugins → Add New and search 'Seriously Simple Podcasting'. Click Install Now then click Activate.

Starting to use Seriously Simple Podcasting

Once installed, the Podcast menu item is added to the sidebar in your WordPress Dashboard, and a new custom post type podcast is created:

Screenshot of podcast custom post types in WordPress

If you're going to group your podcast episodes by series, you'll need to create a series category.

To do this, go to Podcast → Series. Fill out the fields to give your first series a name (e.g. Series one) and, optionally, a description. Click Add New Series.

Go ahead and create another series (or multiple other series) if you have more podcast series ready to upload.

Add podcast episodes to your WordPress podcast hosting

Next up, you'll want to start adding your podcast episodes to the site.

Head over to Podcast → Add New. Just like you would do with a new blog post, you'll need to give your podcast episode a title. I've called this example 'First ever podcast episode':

Podcast episode.

If you like, you can include a full description or transcript of your podcast episode in the content box just under the title in the editor. And, if relevant, you can select which series the podcast belongs to on the righthand side of the editor. You can also add any relevant tags to each episode. We'll show you listeners can filter your podcast episodes by these taxonomies later on.

Podcast series.

If you then scroll down, you'll find the Podcast Episode Details box. Here is where you'll upload your first podcast episode.

Podcast episode details.

Checklist of steps for adding each podcast episode

These are the steps you need to run through for each episode:

  1. Select whether you're uploading an Audio or Video file, click Upload File, upload your first podcast file, then click Select.
  2. You can manually add the duration and file size, or leave these fields blank to auto-calculate.
  3. Add in the date recorded so listeners will know how old or new your podcast is.
  4. If necessary, there's also the option to mark specific episodes as explicit or choose to block them from appearing in any external podcast libraries to you submit your podcast.
  5. It's a good idea to add a summary of the episode in the Excerpt box as we can display this later in our searchable podcast library.
  6. Add your podcast's series and any relevant tags. Users will be able to use these to quickly filter the episodes they want.
  7. Hit Publish and your first podcast is ready to go!

Add in any remaining podcast episodes, by going to Podcast → Add New again and repeating the steps above.

Once you've added all your episodes, it's time to display them nicely on your website. Next, we'll cover how to enhance your self hosted WordPress podcast hosting, by creating a sortable podcast archive that can display your latest episodes in a convenient format.

How to list podcast episodes in an archive: quickly find episodes

Your website needs to be an easy place for visitors to listen to your podcast. Visitors should be able to find episodes they're interested in, easily listen to them, and sort through your archives. This section will show you how to list podcast episodes on your WordPress site.

Seriously Simple Podcasting lets you display your most recent podcasts, but just displaying a long list of podcasts in the order of newest to oldest isn't always the most helpful – especially if you're trying to engage new listeners or those who have missed a few episodes.

A better solution is to create a library of your podcasts by displaying them in a sortable and searchable table. This will let your listeners quickly sort through episodes, conveniently listen to them, and makes everything extremely simple for you.

The Posts Table Pro plugin can pull in all the information you've already added using Super Simple Podcasting. It uses this information to autogenerate your podcast library, in a sortable, filterable, and searchable list. This is the perfect format for podcast archives.

Plus, each time you add a new episode to your website, Posts Table Pro will update your library automatically :)

Animated screenshot of the self-hosted podcast hosting, podcast library

WordPress podcast hosting is superior :)

The animated screenshot above shows this in action. Note how listeners can even conveniently filter by podcast series!

In addition to the benefits mentioned already – listeners can search all your podcast episodes in one place, easily find the episode(s) they're looking for by sorting the table or filtering by series or tags, and listen to episodes directly from your podcast library – you can even add newsletter signups to this page in order to keep listeners hooked, which we'll cover after this section.

To get started, purchase and download the plugin.

Your purchase will include instructions on installation and setup. Once installed, decide whereabouts on your website you'd like to display your podcast library. This might be on your home page, or on a separate podcasts page. In this example, we'll be putting our podcast on a homepage.

How to create your sortable table

When you've chosen where to display your podcasts, generating your podcast library is simple. Upon installing the plugin, an automatic setup wizard will initiate and provide a comprehensive guide to creating your first table.

The instructions below will describe each step involved in creating a table.

  1. Choose a name for the library and select the post type you want to display. Here we're displaying the custom post type podcast.
  2. Select the posts or podcast episodes to include in your library.
  3. Customize the columns you want to display in your table by selecting which columns to add and in what order. You can also rename or hide column names and remove columns as needed. I suggest adding a column for episode date, title and listen now.
    Customize columns in WordPress table plugin
  4. Add filters. will set your table to be filterable by the podcast series, as shown in the example below. You can also add filters like tags and categories.
    Animated screenshot of the self-hosted podcast hosting, podcast library
  5. Customize the sorting options for your table, including the default sorting option and the sort direction

Display your podcast library

Once you have completed creating your table with the Post Table Pro plugin, the setup wizard will confirm that you are finished and provide instructions for inserting the table onto your website. By choosing one of these two options, you can easily add your table to your website and make it accessible to your visitors.

  • Use the "Post Table" block in the Gutenberg editor.
  • Copy the shortcode from the table builder and paste it anywhere on your site. This option gives you the flexibility to place the table on any page, regardless of its content.

Ready to publish your podcast

When you're done making your library look great, click Publish and the page will publicly display the table with your podcasts. Nice work! Visitors can now easily find your entire archive of podcasts, and you've made a fantastic self hosted podcast solution.

You can use a similar technique to create a WordPress audio library. The linked post will even show you how to use WooCommerce Product Table to sell access to your podcast.

Podcast hosting: next steps

Now your WordPress podcast hosting is all setup and your podcasts are beautifully displayed on your website, you're ready to get promoted and grow your podcast further.

This section will show you three advanced next steps you can take, two of which you can only do because you've chosen to self host your WordPress podcast hosting. We'll show you how to submit your podcast to iTunes, how to set up podcast analytics, and how to add an email signup box in order to convert listeners into long-time subscribers.

Submit podcast episodes directly to iTunes from WordPress

To increase your audience reach, you need to submit your podcast to iTunes.

Yet another useful feature of the Seriously Simple Podcasting WordPress plugin, is that it organizes your podcast episodes in an iTunes-friendly format. Once you've uploaded your episodes to your WordPress website, you're almost ready to submit them all in one go to iTunes.

Screenshot of the iTunes podcast library

Before you do, you'll just need to go to Podcast  Settings → Feed details and upload a Cover Image for your podcast.

Once you've done that, to submit your podcast to iTunes, simply go to Apple's podcast submission page and sign in using your Apple ID (or create one if you don't have one already).

The Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin will autogenerate a URL for your podcast. You can find this in your WordPress Dashboard by going to Podcast → Settings  Publishing.

The URL you need is the Complete feed and will be something similar to https://yourwebsite.com/feed/podcast

Copy and paste your Complete feed URL into the box on the iTunes submission website and click Validate:

Submit podcast to iTunes.

You'll then see a preview of how your podcast will appear on iTunes.

Once iTunes is happy your podcast meets the requirements, and you're happy with how everything looks, click Submit.

Podcasts can take up to 10 days to make their way through the iTunes approval process but are often processed much faster than that. Once complete, you'll be able to see your podcast in iTunes – alongside the best podcasts in the world.

While you're waiting for your podcast to be approved on iTunes, it's worth getting your analytics set up too. We'll look at these next.

Podcast analytics

If you want to successfully grow your podcast audience, it's important to keep track of how many listeners you have, and how they're consuming your podcasts.

There is a multitude of analytics tools out there, but seeing as we've already installed Seriously Simple Podcasting, let's go ahead and use their add-on plugin, Seriously Simple Stats.

Just like the name suggests, this plugin is seriously easy to use and ideally suited to measuring the success of your podcast.

Among other things, it can measure where people are listening to your podcast (e.g. iTunes, your website, or via a download), how many listeners you have, and what your most popular episodes are.

This is all vital information you can use to optimize future podcasts, source sponsorship, and boost advertising revenue.

You can download Seriously Simple Stats free from the WordPress plugin directory. Go to Plugins → Add New then search "Seriously Simple Stats". Click Install Now then click Activate.

Seriously Simple Stats Example.

You can access Seriously Simple Stats right from your WordPress dashboard, head to Podcast → Stats. Your stats will start showing up here over the coming days.

The industry secret is podcast stats are horribly unreliable: keep in mind that a download to your podcast isn't necessarily a listen to your podcast. My podcast app, for example, downloads the latest episode of my favorite podcasts every week. I don't necessarily listen to them, and if I do listen, I don't necessarily listen all the way through.

Don't be disheartened by this; given podcasts are downloaded and listened to separately, there's no prospect of fixing this in the short term. What you can do, however, is keep your listeners hooked by connecting with them in your email inbox and your podcast app. We'll cover how to handle this next.

Collect email subscribers for your podcast using MailChimp

Don’t miss out on turning one-off listeners into long-term subscribers! Getting inside your listeners' email and their podcast app is a great way of ensuring listeners know about the latest episodes, and what you're doing, and are excited about the podcast in the long term.

We'll let you collect email subscribers by adding an email subscription box to your podcast page using MailChimp and the MailChimp for WordPress plugin. This is a major benefit of handling your WordPress podcast hosting yourself.

First, sign up for a free MailChimp account if you don’t already have one. The free account lets you have up to 2,000 subscribers, which is plenty to be started with.

Next, add the MailChimp for WordPress plugin to your site: in your WordPress Dashboard, go to Plugins Add New, then search "MailChimp for WordPress plugin". Click Install Now then click Activate.

You’ll need to pair this plugin with MailChimp. From the Dashboard, head to MailChimp for WP → MailChimp, and click Get your API key here. Copy your API key from MailChimp and go back to MailChimp for WP → MailChimp. Paste the key into the API Key box and click Save Changes.

Once connected, you’ll also need to create a new list in MailChimp to start collecting email subscribers. From MailChimp, go to Lists → Create List Create List, and fill out the details.

Add your email signup form to WordPress

Next, create the signup form for your website. From your WordPress Dashboard, go to MailChimp for WP → Form, give your form a title, select the MailChimp list you want subscribers to be added to then click Add new form.

The plugin will generate a shortcode for your form. Click Get shortcode, copy the shortcode, and paste it on your podcast library page so listeners can easily subscribe to future episodes:

Animated screenshot showing podcast Mailchimp setup

You'll be collecting podcast subscribers in no time! Hooray! You know, however, need to be emailing new episodes out to your subscribers. You can automate this by connecting your podcast RSS feed to Mailchimp. Our popular tutorial on how to create an RSS-Driven Campaign in MailChimp shows you how to do this, and take a step out of your podcast email setup.

Best practices for podcast SEO on WordPress

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for any website or content to gain visibility on search engines such as Google. It involves optimizing your website's content to make it easier for search engines to crawl and index, and ultimately rank it higher in search results. Similarly, optimizing your podcast for SEO can help it reach a wider audience and increase its visibility.

Tips for optimizing your podcast for search engines

  1. Use descriptive titles and descriptions: Make sure to use descriptive titles and descriptions that accurately reflect the content of your podcast episodes. This will help search engines understand what your podcast is about and display it in relevant search results.
  2. Include relevant keywords: Identify relevant keywords and incorporate them naturally into your titles, descriptions, and episode summaries. However, avoid keyword stuffing, which can negatively impact your SEO.
  3. Use transcripts: Transcripts of your podcast episodes can be helpful for SEO as they provide search engines with text to crawl and index. They also make your content more accessible to those who may prefer to read or skim content rather than listen to an entire episode.
  4. Optimize your website's metadata: Ensure that your website's metadata, such as titles and descriptions, are optimized for SEO. This can help your website rank higher in search results, which can indirectly help your podcast gain more visibility.
  5. Use internal linking: Internal linking, or linking to other relevant content within your website, can help improve your website's overall SEO. By linking to other relevant content, you can also help search engines understand the context and relevance of your podcast.

Troubleshooting common WordPress podcast hosting issues

Even with the best WordPress podcast hosting, issues can sometimes arise. Here are some common issues you may encounter and how to troubleshoot them:

Slow website performance

Slow website performance can lead to a poor user experience and may cause visitors to leave your site. This issue can be caused by a number of factors, such as poorly optimized images, an outdated WordPress version, or a plugin conflict.

To troubleshoot slow website performance, you can use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to analyze your website's speed and identify areas for improvement. You can also try optimizing your images by compressing them and resizing them to the appropriate dimensions. Updating WordPress and plugins to their latest versions can also improve website performance.

Audio file playback issues

Audio file playback issues can be frustrating for listeners and may cause them to stop listening to your podcast. These issues can be caused by incorrect file formatting or encoding, insufficient bandwidth, or compatibility issues with the podcast player.

To troubleshoot audio file playback issues, make sure that your audio files are in the correct format (usually MP3) and encoded at the appropriate bitrate. Check your web hosting plan to ensure that you have sufficient bandwidth to handle podcast downloads and playback. You can also test your podcast on different podcast players to ensure compatibility.

RSS feed issues

RSS feed issues can prevent your podcast from being distributed to popular podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. These issues can be caused by incorrect RSS feed formatting, missing or incorrect tags, or a plugin conflict.

To troubleshoot RSS feed issues, use a tool like Cast Feed Validator to analyze your RSS feed and identify any formatting errors. Ensure that your RSS feed includes all the necessary tags, such as title, description, and artwork. If you are using a podcast plugin, try disabling it to see if it is causing the issue.

Self podcast hosting is easy! Now you're ready to go

Choosing to manage WordPress podcast hosting yourself is remarkably easy, and this tutorial has shown you everything you need to know. We've shown you how to set up WordPress, add the podcast, and then make use of features you can only get if you self host your podcast, including a sortable archives page, and effective email signups.

Just to recap, here are the main steps needed to host your own podcast using WordPress:

  1. Set up a WordPress website – with managed hosting and a simple theme.
  2. Download the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin.
  3. Upload all your podcast episodes to your website.
  4. Download the Posts Table Pro plugin.
  5. Customize your searchable podcast library using the table builder.
  6. Power up your podcast by submitting it to iTunes right from your website, and monitoring your analytics using Seriously Simple Stats.
  7. Automatically email your podcast subscribers with new episodes.

Now you have the equipment to make your podcast and your website can delight listeners.

Please let us know how your self-hosted podcast library is working for you. We can't wait to see the clever things you do with it!