WooCommerce Wholesale Pro Settings – Registration Fields
By default, WooCommerce Wholesale Pro will just show an email address field on the wholesale registration form. You can add up to 10 extra text fields to collect extra information from your new wholesale users.
For example, you might want to collect extra information such as the Company Name and VAT Number to help you decide whether to approve new wholesale accounts.
The additional fields appear on the wholesale login page (if you have enabled the registration form), and on the dedicated wholesale registration page created by the [wholesale_registration]
Adding extra fields to the wholesale registration form

- Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Wholesale → Registration Fields.
- Enter a label to be displayed above the field on the wholesale registration form, and choose whether or not it will be a required field.
- Click the 'Save changes' button.
The extra fields will be added to the wholesale registration form, whether you have set it to appear on the wholesale login page, or using the [wholesale_registration]

Changing the order of the registration fields
The extra fields will appear after the email address field. You can change the order of the extra fields by dragging and dropping them in the left hand column on the 'Registration Fields' settings page.
Any empty fields will be ignored and will not be displayed on the registration form.
How to view the data
The data added to the extra fields is stored in the 'Wholesale user information' of the 'Edit User' screen in the WordPress admin.
If you are moderating new wholesale registrations then the extra information appears above the 'Approve' option so that you can check it before deciding whether to approve the request.

Can I add other field types?
Currently, it is only possible to add text fields to the wholesale registration form. If you require other field types (e.g. file upload, checkboxes or radio buttons) then you can create a custom wholesale registration form which works with WooCommerce Wholesale Pro. Please see our separate article about how to do this.
Alternatively, if you want wholesale users to be able to upload files, then you could use the registration form in WooCommerce Wholesale Pro and ask users to upload their files to a free image hosting service such as Imgur. They can then paste the URL into a text field on the wholesale registration form.
How can wholesalers add information about themselves after they register?
Once a new wholesale user has access to their account, then can add extra information about themselves on the WooCommerce account page. This is provided by WooCommerce itself and has various fields including the full name, postal and billing address. These are separate from the fields on the wholesale registration form.