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Wholesale shipping and payments

When you use the WooCommerce Wholesale Pro plugin, wholesale customers complete their purchases using the standard WooCommerce checkout. This means that by default, your retail and wholesale customers will all see the same payment gateways and shipping methods.

You can change this by selecting which roles can access each payment or shipping option. For example:

  • You may wish to offer PayPal and credit card payments to guests and normal customers; and offline payment options such as Invoice to wholesale roles.
  • You may wish to offer local pickup to wholesale users; and flat rate shipping to normal customers.
  • Perhaps you offer extra benefits to your top tier of wholesale users, such as free shipping.

On the WooCommerce cart and checkout, each customer will only be able to see the payment options and shipping methods that are available to their role.

Shipping options

  1. Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping and add as many shipping zones as you need, each with one or more shipping methods.
  2. Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping → Shipping roles and choose which roles should see each shipping method.
Wholesale shipping options

Payment options

  1. Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Payments and add as many payment options as you need.
  2. Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Payment roles and de-select any roles that you do not wish to be able to use this payment method.
WooCommerce role based payment methods

Can I offer weight-based shipping?

Some wholesale stores offer weight-based shipping for trade users who are buying in large quantities. You can do this using any shipping plugin, such as the Product Shipping extension (our recommendation).

The shipping methods added by the other plugin will appear on the 'Shipping roles' page so that you can choose which roles can use them.

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