CSS is responsible for the styling of elements on a web page. It controls the color and size of text,...
Document Library Pro comes with built-in filter dropdowns which you can display above the table of documents. If you would...
Document Library Pro comes with an instant AJAX search box which appears above the list of documents, as well as...
The Document Library Pro plugin has a front end document upload form, which makes it easy for users to add...
Document Library Pro works with most WordPress multilingual plugins, including Weglot, TranslatePress and WPML. You can also create your own translations. Translations Included with the...
Posts Table Pro comes with some built-in styling and is designed to look good with most themes. Where possible, it...
The Document Library Pro plugin comes with several built-in icons: the file type icons, the document download icon, and a...
If you are currently using Barn2's Posts Table Pro table plugin for your document library, then you may wish to...
In Document Library Pro, it can cause problems if you use numeric slugs for your categories or custom taxonomies. For example:...
The WordPress REST API provides a way to interact with your website by JSON objects. We ensure our plugins work...
Our Document Library Pro, WooCommerce Product Table and Posts Table Pro plugins all support displaying fields created using the Advanced...
You can export your Document Library Pro documents using the export tool that is built into WordPress. You might want...
People normally use the Document Library Pro plugin to display documents with a link to an individual page for each...
Sometimes you may wish to add a custom code snippet to your website, for example in order to customize one...
Document Library Pro has a 'Document author' field which you can use to display the author of each document, allow...
Some website owners like to email their subscribers when a new document is added to their document library. This article...
Document Library Pro doesn't have a built-in way to require someone to enter their email address before they can download...
Document Library Pro can display documents which are stored in the WordPress Media Library, or third party documents which are...
Sometimes it's useful to automatically synchronize your WordPress document library with a third party platform where you are storing your...
If you want to disable sorting for individual columns in your document library tables, please see the document_library_pro_column_sortable hook in...
Document Library Pro comes with basic category archive pages which display documents using the same layout as your blog posts....
Document Library Pro has an option to structure the document library into category-based folders. The plugin settings page allows you...
If you have lots of documents in your WordPress media library then this will be taking up server space, and...