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How to export documents

You can export your Document Library Pro documents using the export tool that is built into WordPress. You might want to do this if you are moving documents from one website to another.

The WordPress export tool is not that reliable when it comes to exporting media files associated with documents. In fact, we have seen this issue with posts, pages and other custom post types. The "Download media files" box presented during the export doesn't usually work.

How to export all your documents

To export your documents correctly, we recommend the following process:

  1. Go to Tools → Export in the WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Export all media files by selecting the Media option:

    Exporting documents

  3. In your new site, go to Tools → Import, run the importer and select the file that was downloaded during the export of the media files.
  4. Now repeat this process for the Documents. Go to Tools → Export, select the Documents radio button and download the export file. Then in your new site, go to Tools → Import and import this second file.

This process will migrate both the documents and their files, while keeping them correctly linked together on the new site.

How to export documents from specific categories

Unless you write a custom database query (which is a developer-level task), we're not aware of any way to export documents from a specific category only.

Instead, we recommend using the WP All Export plugin to export documents with their categories. This will export all the documents, including a document categories column listing all the categories for each document. You can then use a spreadsheet tool like Excel or Google Sheets to remove the documents from the categories you don't want.

WP All Export uses different terminology to Document Library Pro, so here is the terminology you need:

  • Post type - The post type you need to export is dlp_document.
  • Taxonomy - The taxonomy you need to include in the export is called 'Document categories' or dlp_document.

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