What are the tax options for wholesale users?
By default, the WooCommerce Wholesale Pro plugin inherits the tax settings from your wider WooCommerce store, which are controlled under WooCommerce → Settings → Tax. If tax is enabled for your overall store then wholesale users will be charged tax too.
The plugin has settings allowing you to disable taxes, VAT or IVA for any or all of your wholesale users.
Disabling tax for all wholesale users
To disable tax for all wholesale users, go to the plugin settings page and enable the 'Disable tax' option.
Disabling tax for specific wholesale roles
For more fine-grained control, go to the Add/Edit Role screen for each role and enable/disable tax for that role only. This allows you to charge tax to some wholesale users but not others, based on their role.
How are taxes displayed to wholesale users?
By default, if your overall WooCommerce store is set up to display prices inclusive of tax then each user will always see the actual price that they will pay. This means that:
- Normal customers will see prices including tax.
- Wholesale users who pay tax will see the prices including tax, just like normal customers.
- Wholesale users who do not pay tax will see the prices excluding tax, as these are the prices they will pay.
If you prefer, then you can configure each wholesale role to see prices with or without tax - regardless of whether or not they have to pay tax. For example, you can display wholesale prices without tax even if wholesale users have to pay tax on the checkout. To do this, use the Display prices in the shop option when adding or editing a wholesale role.