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Which plugins are WooCommerce Product Options compatible with?

WooCommerce Product Options works with many different plugins - not just WooCommerce! We have coded it in a standard way that follows the latest WordPress best practices and inherits your theme's styles. This makes your product options likely to work with a wide range of third party plugins and look amazing with any WordPress theme.

We guarantee compatibility with certain plugins that we have officially integrated with. While we don’t guarantee compatibility with any other third party plugins, we have tested WooCommerce Product Options with various plugins and found that they work well together.

Compatible plugins

Plugin Compatibility Type
Product display plugins
WooCommerce Product Table - list products in a one-page order form with the product options in the 'Buy' column Official Integration
WooCommerce Quick View Pro - let customers choose extra options and add to the cart from a quick view lightbox Official Integration
WooCommerce Bulk Variations - replace the variation dropdowns with a quick buying variations grid - your extra product options appear underneath Official Integration
WooCommerce Restaurant Ordering - create an online food ordering system with extra product options in a product lightbox Official Integration
Add to cart plugins
Ajax add to cart for WooCommerce - add products and options to the cart without reloading the page Tested
Product visibility plugins
WooCommerce Protected Categories - restrict and hide products based on password, user or role Official Integration
WooCommerce Private Store - restrict your entire store from public view Official Integration
Payment and pricing plugins
WooCommerce Wholesale Pro - create a private wholesale area, with special pricing for your products and options Official Integration
WooCommerce Discount Manager - add a wide range of deals and pricing discounts to your store Official Integration
WooCommerce Subscriptions - take recurring payments, for products with or without extra options Official Integration
WooCommerce Extra Fees - charge extra fees on the checkout (use it alongside WooCommerce Product Options to charge extra fees on the product page too) Tested
Internationalisation plugins
Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce - sell in multiple currencies Official Integration
TranslatePress - translate your website Tested
WeGlot - translate your website Tested
WPML WooCommerce Multilingual - translate your website Tested
Admin plugins
WP Fusion - send data about product options ordered to your CRM or email marketing platform Official Integration

What about plugins not on this list?

There are many thousands of WordPress plugins, and we can't possibly include all the compatible ones in this list. With our 30-day money back guarantee, you can try the plugin risk-free and get a full refund if it doesn't work with something else on your site.

What if I discover a problem?

For each plugin listed above, we have indicated whether it's an official integration or whether we have simply tested with that plugin. For official integrations, Barn2 take responsibility for compatibility. For tested plugins, if you find any compatibility issues then you would need to ask a developer to fix the problem for you because they are not officially supported. Please also let us know so that we can update the information.

We've partnered with Codeable to provide our customers with expert help if required.

Unrelated plugins

There are many plugins which you can use alongside WooCommerce Product Options, but aren't directly related to it. For example, this includes your SEO plugins (e.g. WordPress SEO, Google Analytics, and All In One SEO Pack), performance-enhancing plugins (e.g. caching) and security plugins (e.g. iThemesSecurity and Wordfence).

We haven't listed these plugins because they don't directly affect the product options. However, the vast majority of unrelated plugins will work correctly with WooCommerce Product Options. Please send us a support request if you are unsure, or get the plugin and use our 30-day money back guarantee if needed.

Help us improve this list!

We're always looking for more plugins that work well with WooCommerce Product Options. If you're successfully using it with any other plugins that might be of interest to other people, please let us know. We might even be able to showcase your website as a case study!

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