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Posts table caching

Global cache setting

The full contents of your posts tables can be cached to improve performance and speed up page load times.

You can enable caching either when you edit a table, on the plugin settings page, or by adding cache="true" or cache="false" to the shortcode.

On the settings page, you can configure the length of time that tables will be cached for. The default is 6 hours. To change this, enter a whole number of hours.

Bear in mind that if you enable caching, any changes you make to your posts (e.g. changing names, publishing new items, etc) will not appear immediately in your table. Once the 'cache expiry' time has elapsed, the cache will be cleared and any changes will then be picked up.

Flushing the cache

To flush the cache, you can temporarily disable caching and then re-load the page. You can then re-enabled it as needed.

Cache storage

The posts table cache is stored as a transient, using the WordPress transient API. The location of the data will depend on your server setup. By default, transients are stored in the wp_options table, but if you’re using an external object cache, the transients will be stored in memory.

Caching plugins

You can also use caching plugins such as WP Rocket. These will work alongside the built-in caching for the posts table described above.

The same warnings apply as we mentioned above for the built-in caching. For example, if you need any of the data in the posts table to be loaded fresh for each user then it's best to disable caching for that page.

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