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Posts table content & excerpt length

Posts Table Pro comes with options to control the length of the content and excerpt columns. These tell the plugin how many words to display in the table - any extra words will be truncated.

These options are available on the plugin settings page or they can be set directly in a shortcode.

Content length

The content_length shortcode option sets the length of the content column, if used in your table. Enter the number of words, e.g. content_length="20". The default is 15 words. Set content_length="-1" to show the whole post/page content.

Example: [posts_table content_length="10"]

Excerpt length

The excerpt_length shortcode option sets length of the excerpt column, if used in your table. Enter the number of words, e.g. excerpt_length="20". The WordPress default excerpt length is 55 words.

Example: [posts_table excerpt_length="30"]

WordPress table plugin content excerpt length

The content length and excerpt length options aren't working!

These options aren't compatible with the shortcodes option. If you activate shortcodes in the table then they will therefore be disabled. Please see our article about using shortcodes in the posts table.

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