How to sell fixed price menus
Most restaurants sell foods 'a la carte', where the customer pays for each food individually. However, you can also use the WooCommerce Restaurant Ordering plugin to sell fixed price menus or meal deals. To do this, you need to combine it with our other plugin - WooCommerce Discount Manager.
You may also like: Adding discounts and meal deals to the restaurant ordering system.
How to create a fixed price menu
- Set up both WooCommerce Restaurant Ordering and WooCommerce Discount Manager as usual.
- Structure your food products into categories (Products → Categories).
- Go to Marketing → Discounts and create as many deals as you like. You can select which products or categories each deal applies to. For example, in the following screenshot we created a meal deal containing the following 3 discounts:
- Starters - Use a "Buy X products for a fixed price" discount to change the cost to $10 when the customer buys 2 starters.
- Main Courses - Use a "Free products" deal to create a buy-one-get-one-free deal in which 1 item from the category is free when the customer adds 2 to their cart.
- Desserts - Use a "Buy X products for Y discount" discount to give 25% discount when the customer spends $10 or more on products from this category.
- We also recommend displaying the details of the deal prominently on your food ordering page. For example, in the screenshot below we did this by adding the details to the category description and displaying this.

Can I restrict how many products people can order as part of the fixed price menu?
You may wish to force people to purchase certain quantities. For example, if a menu allows you to order up to 2 side dishes, then you can avoid mistakes by preventing people from ordering more than 2 products from the 'Sides' category.
You can do this with the WooCommerce Quantity Manager plugin, which works nicely with WooCommerce Restaurant Ordering.
Can I automatically give a discount based on order value?
Yes - instead of setting up fixed price menus as described above, you can use WooCommerce Discount Manager to create a 'Total spend' discount which will give a fixed or percentage discount based on the cart value. This might be the total order value, or the amount that the customer spends on specific products or categories.