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How to create "Buy one get one half price" deals

The WooCommerce Discount Manager plugin has a discount type called 'Buy X products for X discount' which you can use to create Buy-one-get-one-half-price deals.

Setup instructions

  1. Go to Marketing → Discounts.
  2. Click 'Add New'.
  3. Select 'Buy X products for Y discount' from the discount type popup window.
    WooCommerce Discount Manager Buy X products for Y fiscount
  4. Select which products you want the deal to apply to. You can either offer buy-one-get-one-half-price on all products in your store, or select specific products or categories that it will apply to.
  5. Choose the following options:
    • Quantity required for discount - For a buy one get one half price deal, you should enter "1" here.
    • Discount - Select the Percentage discount type, and enter 50% in the field below.
    • Apply to all products or additional products above the required quantity? - Select 'Additional products only'. This means that the customer will get the second product for half price.
  6. Select any other options for the buy one get half price deal as needed. For example, you can choose which users or roles can get the deal, or schedule the deal to run on specific dates.

How can customers get the buy one get one half price deal?

To redeem the buy one get half price deal, the customer must add both products to their cart. If they just add one product then the plugin won't automatically add a second one.

This is similar to redeeming a buy one half price discount in a supermarket, where you must add both items to your shopping cart and the cashier will give you the second one for half price.

Can customers get the deal multiple times?

Yes - customers can use the buy one get half price discount as many times as they like. For example, imagine that you have a "buy 1 get another for 50% off" deal on all products in the t-shirts category, and the customer adds 6 different t-shirts to their cart. The plugin will reduce the cost of the 3 cheapest t-shirts by 50%.

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