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How to add the cart icon anywhere on your site

The WooCommerce Fast Cart plugin automatically adds a floating cart icon to your WordPress site, which you can position in the top right, middle right, or bottom right.

You can also use the [fast_cart] shortcode to add it elsewhere as required, for example to the header of your website or onto your product pages.

The icon added by the shortcode will inherit the options from the plugin settings page. You can override this for the following options:

Button style

Use the 'layout' shortcode option to choose whether to display the cart icon as an icon only; as an icon with text; or as text only:

  • [fast_cart layout="icon"]
  • [fast_cart layout="text_icon"]
  • [fast_cart layout="text"]


Use the 'text' shortcode option to set the text which appears in the cart icon. This text will only be used if the selected button style includes text:

  • [fast_cart text="View Cart"]

Using the options together

Combine the shortcode options like this:

[fast_cart layout="text_icon" text="View Cart"]

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