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Setting up the Fast Cart

The WooCommerce Fast Cart plugin settings lets you control the appearance and content of the popup fast cart and checkout. There are two places where you can configure the plugin settings:

  • The most popular options can be controlled in the plugin setup wizard which opens when you first activate the plugin.
  • You can access the full list of options from the plugin settings page (WooCommerce → Settings → Fast cart).

Here is a full list of plugin settings, with explanations for each one.

License key

Enter your license key here. This is essential for the plugin to work.



WooCommerce Fast Cart comes with 2 layout options:

  • Side cart (the default) - a floating side cart on the right hand side of the page.
  • Centered popup - a larger popup cart which appears in the middle of the page. This layout is often more user-friendly if you are allowing customers to check out in the fast cart because it is bigger and allows more space for the checkout fields.

Auto open

This checkbox is enabled by default. It opens the fast cart automatically whenever a customer adds a product to their cart.

If you disable this option then the floating cart icon will still appear (assuming the 'Enable cart icon checkbox' is ticked), and customers can click this to manually open the fast cart.

Allow fast checkout

This option is enabled by default and allows customers to complete their purchase by checking out directly in the fast cart popup. The checkout fields will be identical to the fields on the main WooCommerce checkout page.

If you disable this option then a 'Checkout' button will still appear in the fast cart, but it will link to the main WooCommerce checkout page.

Direct checkout

This checkbox is disabled by default and is hidden if 'Allow fast checkout' is disabled.

Instead of showing a cart with a checkout button, it skips the cart completely and displays the checkout immediately. This is a good option if customers need a fast way to complete their purchase and are unlikely to want to amend their selections before checking out. Learn more.


This checkbox is disabled by default and is hidden if 'Allow case checkout' is disabled.

Enable this option if you would like the fast checkout to make suggestions for the customer to click on when they start typing their address. This saves them having to type their full address.

You also need to enter a Google API key. Please see the instructions on how to get an API key.

Cart contents

This option allows you to choose which information appears in the fast cart popup. All of the available contents are enabled by default, and you can disable them as required:

  • Show product images - Displays the image of each product in the cart.
  • Show product subtotals - Displays a 'Subtotal' price as well as the total price alongside each product.
  • Show product prices - Displays the price of each product in the cart.
  • Show quantity pickers - Displays a quantity field so that customers can edit the number of each product in the cart.
  • Show delete buttons - Displays a X next to each product so that customers can remove items from the cart.
  • Show coupons - Displays a coupon code field.
  • Show order subtotal - Displays a 'Subtotal' price for the order as well as the total price.
  • Show shipping information - Displays the shipping information in the fast cart. Exactly what appears here depends on the shipping settings for your overall WooCommerce store.
  • Show cross-sells - Displays a 'You may also like' section containing related products. This is a good way to encourage customers to buy more and increase your average order value.
  • Show 'Keep Shopping' button - Display a button next to the 'Checkout' button which will close the fast cart so that the customer can continue shopping.

Cart icon

Floating cart icon

This checkbox is enabled by default. It displays a floating cart icon on your website when there are products in the cart. If there are no products in the cart then it is hidden. Users can click the floating cart icon to view the fast cart.


Choose whether the floating icon appears on the top right, top center or bottom right of the page. The default is bottom right.

Button style

By default, the floating cart icon will appear as a cart icon within a circle. Use this option to change this. The options are:

  • Icon only
  • Text only
  • Icon and text

Button text

This only appears when the button style is set to either "Text only" or "Icon and text". Use it to add some brief text which will appear to the right of (or instead of) the cart icon.

Replace pages

By default, customers can use the default cart and checkout pages in addition to the fast cart popup. If you prefer, then you can disable the default cart and checkout pages completely. Learn more

Replace cart page

This checkbox is disabled by default. It prevents customers from accessing the default WooCommerce cart page, forcing them to use the fast cart instead. Whenever a customer clicks on a link to the cart page - for example in the menu, or if your theme displays cart icons - then this will open the fast cart instead.

Replace checkout page

This option is disabled by default. It prevents customers from accessing the default WooCommerce checkout page, forcing them to complete their purchase in the fast cart instead. Whenever a customer clicks on a link to the checkout page - for example in the cart, or if your theme displays 'Checkout Now' buttons - then this will open the popup checkout instead.


Where possible, WooCommerce Fast Cart inherits the styling from your theme. For example, this controls and fonts, font colors, and the overall layout of the fast cart and checkout. It ensures that the fast cart matches the rest of your website and your brand.

There are options to control the colors of the floating cart icon:

  • Cart icon color - The color of the cart icon itself. This is white by default.
  • Cart icon background - The color of the background behind the cart icon. This is black by default.
  • Cart count text color - The text color of the circle that displays the number of items in the cart.
  • Cart count background - The color of the circle that displays the number of items in the cart.

There are also 2 options to change the colors of the 'Checkout' button in the popup cart.

  • Checkout button text color - The text color of the 'Checkout' button.
  • Checkout button background- The background color of the 'Checkout' button.

Simply use the color picker to select the required colors.

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