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Actions and Filters

WooCommerce Protected Categories contains a number of hooks which you can use to customize the plugin's behavior.

Please note that these code snippets are aimed at developers. If you feel comfortable using them, our article on how to use code snippets can serve as a helpful guide. If you don't know how to use them, then you should ask your developer or use our plugin customization service.



Action fired before the category password form. You might use this to wrap the password form with extra HTML markup.

add_action( 'wc_ppc_before_password_form', function() {
    echo '<div class="container col-12">';
} );


Action fired take after the category password form.

add_action( 'wc_ppc_after_password_form', function() {
    echo '</div>';
} );


Action fired when the current page is a protected category or product. This action is fired during the wp hook, before the template has been loaded.

add_action( 'wc_ppc_protected_woocommerce_page', function() {
    global $wp_query;
    // do something the query.
} );


Action fired when the current page is a password protected category or product. This action is fired during the wp hook.


Action fired when the current page is a user protected, role protected, or private category or product.


Action fired when the main Shop page in WooCommerce is the same as your 'Password entry page' set under WooCommerce → Settings → Products → Protected categories. In this case, the main shop page displays the password entry form.


Action fired if the current page is protected. Use this hook if you want to do extra things to prevent caching on your site. We currently set the following cache constants to true when the page is protected: DONOTCACHEPAGE, DONOTCACHEOBJECT and DONOTCACHEDB



Filter which allows you to override whether the current user is allowed access when a category is role protected. Returns a boolean.

add_filter( 'wc_ppc_current_user_allowed_by_role', function( $allowed_access, $category_id ) { 
    // do something with $allowed_access
    return $allowed_access; 
}, 10, 2 );


Filter which allows you to override whether the current user is allowed access when a category is user protected. Returns a boolean.

add_filter( 'wc_ppc_current_user_allowed_by_id', function( $allowed_access, $category_id ) { 
    // do something with $allowed_access
    return $allowed_access; 
}, 10, 2 );


Filter which allows you to override whether the current user is allowed access when a category is private. Returns a boolean.

add_filter( 'wc_ppc_current_user_allowed_private_access', function( $allowed_access, $category_id ) { 
    // do something with $allowed_access
    return $allowed_access; 
}, 10, 2 );


Filter which allows you to override the CSS class for the container for the password entry form. This is applied to a <div> element which surrounds the form. Returns a string.


Filter which allows you to override class for the password entry form current user is allowed access when a category is private. Returns a string. Defaults to: wc-ppc-password-form post-password-form category-login


Filter which allows you to modify the HTML for the password form before it’s displayed. Returns a string.

add_filter( 'wc_ppc_password_form', function( $form ) {
    // do something with $form
    return $form;
} );


Filter which allows you to modify the heading used for the password form. Returns a string.


Filter which allows you to modify the password form message, displayed above the password input box. Returns a string.


Filter which allows you to override the URL used for the WordPress login page when the current page is role protected, user protected, or private. This only applies when the 'Show WordPress login page' option is selected for the When logged out option in the plugin settings.


When a product is checked for protection (for example, when viewing a product page), we use its product ID. This filter allows you to override the ID used. Returns an integer. Takes two parameters - the product ID and the current product object.


Filter which allows you to override the priority order used for the different category protection types. Items earlier in the array take higher priority than those that come after. Should return an array. Defaults to: array( 'password', 'private', 'user', 'role' )


Filter which allows you to modify the expiration time for the password cookie; i.e. how long the user will be able to access the protected category before they need to re-enter their password. You can set this via the plugin options (WooCommerce → Settings → Products → Protected categories), but if you want more fine-grained control over the expiry time, use this filter.

The return value should be Unix timestamp in seconds since the epoch. The easiest way to set this is to use the time() function and add the number of seconds you want to it. For example, to expire the cookie after 8 hours:

add_filter( 'wc_ppc_password_expires', function( $expires ) {
    return time() + 8 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS;
} );


Filter which allows you to modify the list of available user roles displayed in the admin when creating or editing a protected category. Returns an array of arrays in the form 'role_name' => array(). Defaults to wp_roles()->roles.


Filter which allows you to modify the args used when selecting users to display in the user list when creating or editing a protected category. Returns and array. Defaults to:

    'blog_id' => get_current_blog_id(),
    'orderby' => 'display_name',
    'order' => 'ASC',
    'fields' => array( 'ID', 'user_login', 'display_name' )


Filter which allows you to modify the list of users displayed when creating or editing a protected category in the admin. Returns an array of WP_User objects.

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