Can I use WooCommerce Bulk Variations with Product Add-Ons?
Customers sometimes how to use WooCommerce Bulk Variations with other product options plugins, in order to display other options underneath the variations order form. You can do this by using it with our other plugin, WooCommerce Product Options.
How it works
When you add extra options to a product where the variations are displayed in a grid, the add-on options appear underneath the grid like this:

Note: When using WooCommerce Product Options with WooCommerce Bulk Variations, you should create your product options directly in WooCommerce Product Options and not display variations as options. This avoids any errors which would result from displaying the same attribute twice.
Code snippet - Displaying product options above the variations grid
By default, the bulk variations grid will always appear above your product options. If you'd like to reverse this, then you can use the following JavaScript code snippet. This is aimed at developers and you should only use it if you know what you're doing - otherwise you can use our plugin customization service.
jQuery(function($) { $(document).ready(function() { if ($('body').hasClass('wpo-has-fields')) { $('.wcbvp-grid-wrapper').insertAfter('.wpo-field-images') } }) })