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Grid card hooks

Document Library provides the following WordPress action hooks to display additional content within the cards.

  • document_library_pro_grid_card_before_info
  • document_library_pro_grid_card_before_title
  • document_library_pro_grid_card_before_excerpt
  • document_library_pro_grid_card_before_link
  • document_library_pro_grid_card_after_link

The diagram below illustrates the output position of these hooks within the default grid card structure.

Grid card hook diagram

Note that the content labels within the hooks names are used purely to illustrate their position within the grid card layout.

They will work irrespective of whether the content the hook is named after is visible. For example, document_library_pro_grid_card_before_excerpt will output content even if the excerpt is disabled via your settings.


All the hooks support the following parameters:

  • $document: This is an instance of the Document class, which represents the current document being displayed in the grid card.
  • $args: This is an instance of the Table_Args class, which contains the arguments and settings for the current document library display.
  • $post: This is the WordPress post object associated with the current document. It contains standard WordPress post data such as ID, title, content, etc.

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