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CSS selectors

Single Document Page

This wraps the right and left columns when they are displayed.
The left hand column containing the post content, when document details are displayed.
The right hand column containing the document details, when document details are displayed.


The entire folders output container
An individual folder container
An individual folder label (e.g. category name) container


The main posts <table> element
.posts-data-table th
The table headings
.posts-data-table thead tr
.posts-data-table tfoot tr
The table header and footer rows
​.posts-data-table tbody tr
The table content rows
​.posts-data-table tbody td
The table content cells
​.posts-data-table tbody tr.even td
A cell within an "even" numbered row, e.g. 2nd, 4th, , 6th, etc
​.posts-data-table tbody tr.odd td
A cell within an "odd" numbered row, e.g. 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc
​.posts-data-table tbody tr.child
The responsive child rows (shown when clicking the + icon)
​.posts-data-table tbody tr.child .dtr-details
The responsive child data (shown when clicking the + icon)
​.posts-data-table tbody td​.col-title​
To target a cell within a column. The class name is always col- followed by the column name, e.g. col-title, col-date, col-excerpt, etc.
.posts-table-controls .posts-table-select-filters
.posts-table-controls .posts-table-select-filters label
.posts-table-controls .posts-table-select-filters select
The filter dropdowns above the table
.posts-table-controls .dataTables_length
.posts-table-controls .dataTables_length select
The 'Show ... entries' dropdown above the table
.posts-table-controls .dataTables_filter
.posts-table-controls .dataTables_filter input[type="search"]
The search box shown above the table
.posts-table-controls .dataTables_paginate
.posts-table-controls .dataTables_paginate a.paginate_button
The pagination buttons below the table. You will need to add an !important declaration for this rule to override the styles in the DataTables library.
.posts-table-controls .dataTables_info
The post totals message (e.g. Showing 1 of 5 entries)
​.posts-data-table .posts-table-reset
​.posts-data-table .posts-table-reset a
The reset link above the table.
The button element displayed when the table contains the button column.

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