1. Installing Document Library Pro
Document Library Pro makes it easy to add, manage and display documents on any WordPress website. This is how to install it. Either watch the video or read the written instructions below.
Install Document Library Pro
Once you have purchased Document Library Pro , you should receive a confirmation email which contains your license key and a download link to the plugin. If you don’t receive this email, please submit a support request or download the plugin from your Account instead.
Once you have downloaded the plugin, go to your WordPress admin, then go to Plugins → Add New → Upload Plugin. Click Choose File and select the document-library-pro.zip file you just downloaded. Once uploaded, click 'Activate'.
Tip: Once you’ve installed Document Library Pro, remember to keep it up to date. You can learn how to do this in our article on plugin updates.
Enter your license key
You can find your license key in the email confirmation that was sent to you after purchase. The plugin will not work until you activate your license key.
There are two ways to enter your license key:
- In the setup wizard - Once activated, the setup wizard will open. This walks you through each step of the setup process, including entering your license key.
- On the settings page - Alternatively, you can go to Settings → Document Library Pro and enter your license key.
If you get an error saving your license key, please try a second time. If the error persists, please view the article on license key problems.
Choose your settings
Next, you need to choose the global settings for your document libraries. We’ve provided a separate article about the Document Library Pro settings. Or if you want to start adding documents straight away, jump to that article instead!