Creating discounts
Once you have installed the WooCommerce Discount Manager plugin and activated your license key, you can start creating discounts straight away. Watch the video tutorial or follow the written instructions below:
Step-by-step instructions:
- Go to Marketing → Discounts.
- Click 'Add New'.
- Select a discount type:
- Simple - % or $ value off.
- Based on total spend - Spend X amount and get a % or fixed discount off everything.
- Free products - Buy a minimum number of products and get a fixed number of products for free, e.g. BOGOF. Either give away like-for-like products only, or any product in the cart (the lowest value products will always be the free ones).
- Buy X products for a fixed price - E.g. "Buy 5 t-shirts for $50".
- Buy X products for Y discount (either % or $). Choose whether the discount is applied to the entire cart, or products over the qualifying amount only. You can also choose how many products the discount is applied to.
- Bulk pricing - % or $ discounts, choose whether to apply it to the entire cart or to individual products only.

Once you have selected a discount type, fill in the information about how you want the discount to work.

Discount name
Add a name for the discount. This will appear in the WordPress admin - both on the main list of discounts, and also on the 'Edit order' page so that you can see which discounts have been used for each order.
Discount type
This dropdown allows you to change the discount type. It is pre-selected with the discount type that you already selected.
The options below this change depending on which discount type is selected.
Which products?
Use this option to control which products the discount will be used on:
- All products - The discount will be used globally, regardless of which products the customer adds to their cart.
- Selected products - The discount will only be available on the individual products which you select. If you select a variable product then an additional option to choose which variation(s) to apply the discount to will appear underneath. If you ignore this then the discount will be used for all the variations.
- Selected categories - The discount will only be available in the specific categories which you select. (Note: When you select a category with sub-categories, the discount will also apply to the sub-categories - except for any sub-categories for which you have created a separate discount which has a higher priority, in which case that discount will be used for those sub-categories instead.)
Note: If you select "All products" or "Selected categories" then an option to exclude specific products and/or categories appears lower down the page.
Discount details
The options change depending on the discount type:
- Simple discount:
- Discount - Choose whether you want to offer a percentage discount (e.g. 20% off) or a fixed discount (e.g. $20 off), and enter the amount in the field below.
- Sale badge - Enable this if you would like to display a 'Sale' badge on products that have the discount. The exact styling and placement of the 'Sale' badge comes from your theme.
- Based on total spend:
- Total spend required for discount - Enter the minimum amount which the customer must spend on the products selected above in order to qualify for the discount.
- Discount - Choose whether you want to offer a percentage discount (e.g. 20% off) or a fixed discount (e.g. $20 off), and enter the amount in the field below.
- Free products:
- Number of paid products required - Enter the minimum number of the products selected above which the customer must add to their cart in order to qualify for free products.
- Number of free products given - Enter the number of products in the cart which should be marked as free when the minimum requirement is met. (Note: The customer must add these products to their cart, and the WooCommerce Discount Manager will then mark them as free. The plugin does not add extra products to the cart.)
- How should the discount be applied? - Select a rule for which product(s) can be marked as free:
- Like for like product only - The free products must match the exact product which was used to qualify for the discount. For example, imagine that you created a buy-one-get-one-free discount which applies to 'All products' and choose the 'Like for like' option. In this scenario, the customer can do the following:
- Add 2 'Ninja T-shirts' in their cart, and one of them will be marked as free.
- Add 2 'Fluffy Hoodies' to their cart, and one of them will be marked as free.
- If they add 1 'Ninja T-shirt' and 1 'Fluffy Hoodie' to their cart then they will not receive any free products because you cannot mix and match a like-for-like deal.
- Any product selected above - The free products deal will be calculated against any combination of the products which you selected in the "Which products" section above. For example, if we use this option in the scenario described above, then the customer can add 1 'Ninja T-shirt' and 1 'Fluffy Hoodie' to their cart and the cheapest of the two products will be marked as free.
- Like for like product only - The free products must match the exact product which was used to qualify for the discount. For example, imagine that you created a buy-one-get-one-free discount which applies to 'All products' and choose the 'Like for like' option. In this scenario, the customer can do the following:
- Buy X products for a fixed price:
- Quantity required for discount - Enter the number of the products selected above which the customer must add to their cart in order to qualify for the deal.
- Fixed price - Enter the price that customers will be charged when purchasing the above quantity. (Note: It is possible to qualify for the deal multiple times. For example, if the deal is "Buy any 5 products for $100" then if the customer buys 10 products they will be charged $200.)
- Buy X products for Y discount (learn more about this discount type):
- Quantity required for discount - Enter the number of products which the customer must add to their cart in order to qualify for the deal.
- Discount - Choose whether you want to offer a percentage discount (e.g. 20% off) or a fixed discount (e.g. $20 off), and enter the amount in the field below.
- Apply to all products or additional products above the required quantity? - Choose the logic for how the discount is calculated. The options are:
- All products - Apply the discount to all the products covered by this deal. For example, if the qualifying quantity is 2, the discount is 50% and the customer has 4 products in their cart, then the 50% will be taken off the cost of all 4 products.
- Additional products only - Apply the discount to all products which are in addition to the qualifying amount, but not to the products which were required to qualify for the discount. For example, if the qualifying quantity is 2, the discount is 50% and the customer has 4 products in their cart, then the 50% will only be taken off 2 of the 4 products.
- Bulk pricing:
- Calculated based on total cart contents, or individual products? - Choose how the discount should be applied. The options are:
- Individual products - The bulk discount will be applied within individual products only. For example, if the discount gives 50% discount for buying quantities 5+ then if the customer buys 3 T-shirts and 5 Hoodies then the discount will not be applied because they are not buying 5 or more of the same product.
- Entire cart - The bulk discount will be calculated across all qualifying products in the cart. For example, if the discount gives 50% discount for buying quantities more than 5 then if the customer buys 3 T-shirts and 3 Hoodies then the 50% discount will be applied because they are buying a total quantity of more than 5.
- Range type - Select whether you wish to create percentage-based discounts (e.g. "Buy 5-10 products and get 10% off") or fixed price discounts (e.g. "Buy 5-10 products and get $10 off").
- Enter your bulk pricing tiers - Click 'Add tier' and complete the following fields for each bulk pricing tier/level. Keep clicking 'Add tier' to create as many pricing tiers as you like:
- Minimum quantity - The minimum number of the products to quantity for this level of discount.
- Maximum quantity - The maximum number of the products to quantity for this level of discount.
- Discount - Enter the discount that customers will receive when purchasing products in which quantity range.
- Display table of pricing tiers on product page - Tick this box if you would like to display a table of the bulk discount levels on the product page. If you enable this as well as adding information to the 'Product page content' field below, then the pricing table will always appear underneath the product page content. You can choose where they appear on the product page in the 'Content location' field below.
- Calculated based on total cart contents, or individual products? - Choose how the discount should be applied. The options are:

Applies to
Discounts can be available to everyone who visits your store, or specific roles or user accounts. The options are:
- Everyone - Anyone can use the discount, regardless of their user role or whether they are logged in.
- Selected roles - Select the user roles which can access the discount. (Note: The list includes any custom roles which you have created using plugins like WooCommerce Wholesale Pro and User Role Editor.)
- Selected users - Select the individual user accounts which the discount will be used for. This is a good way to create customer-specific pricing.
If you have selected "All products" in the "Which products?" option then you can select specific products and categories which the discount will not apply to. For example, this is useful if you are running a global sale for nearly all your products, but have some less profitable products that you don't wish to include in the sale.
If you have selected "Selected categories" in the "Which products?" option then you can select individual products which will be excluded from the discount.
By default, each discount is set to "Always available" which means that it will be live on your site as soon as you save it. You can use the Enabled toggle on the main list of discounts to manually turn it on and off.
To pre-schedule a discount, select "Specific dates" and choose a start and end date when it will be available. For example, if you want to run a Black Friday sale from 29th November to 2nd December then you would select 29th November as the start date, and 2nd December as the end date.
Product page content

You can optionally add some custom content which will appear on the product page for all the products that the discount applies to. This WYSIWYG field has a full toolbar and supports shortcodes, a 'Text' tab for adding HTML code, and any other type of content. This means that you can use it to add eye-catching message boxes and other content using the styles provided by your WordPress theme.
For example, in the screenshot above, we added the blue box using a shortcode which was available in the theme. You can do similar things using the styles available in your own theme, or by installing plugins like Shortcodes Ultimate.
Note: If more than one discount is potentially available for a product, then the product page content for the discount with the highest priority will be displayed.
Content location
If you have added product page content above, and/or ticked the Display table of pricing tiers on product page for a bulk pricing discount, then this setting lets you choose where the information will appear on the product page.
Please note that this setting assumes that your theme is using the standard WooCommerce hooks for structuring the product page. If your theme does not use the hooks in the usual way then the locations may be slightly different from what you expect. We recommend experimenting with the different locations to find the one that works best for your site.
Cart notice
You can also enter a notice which will appear at the top of the cart page when the discount has been applied to the user's cart. For example, you might enter "Your 40% Black Friday discount has been applied!" to reassure customers that they're getting a great deal.
This will be styled using the information box style in your theme. As a result, it only accepts plain text and it is not possible to add formatting or HTML code.

Use our other knowledge base articles to answer your frequently asked questions about the different types of discount and how they work:
- What happens if two discounts conflict with one another?
- How can I enable and disable a discount?
- Can I display information about discounts elsewhere in my store?
- How to create buy one get one free deals
- How to create buy one get one half price deals