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Template functions


This function can be used in your theme or plugin to retrieve a posts table, passing a list of arguments as an array.

array- The list of arguments to create the posts table. The array keys supplied should match the shortcode option names. List-based arguments (such as the columns option) can be passed as a comma-separated string or an array.

string - The complete HTML for the posts table.

$table = ptp_get_posts_table( [
    'columns' => 'title,author,date', 
    'filters' => true, 
    'category' => 'featured'
] );


Similar to the above function, but will print (i.e. echo) the table output, rather than return it.

array- The list of arguments to create the posts table. The array keys supplied should match the shortcode option names. List-based options (such as the columns option) can be passed as a comma-separated string or an array.

echo '<h2>' . __( 'Featured posts', 'my-plugin' ) . '</h2>';
ptp_the_posts_table( [ 
    'category' => 'featured',
    'lazy_load' => true
] );

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