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I'm using a page builder (e.g. visual composer) and my protected posts are showing

Some page builder plugins such as Visual Composer or Elementor include shortcodes for displaying posts or categories on a page. These may not work with the privacy options in the Password Protected Categories plugin, which is only designed to hide the actual category pages and the posts within them.

For example, if you are displaying your most recent posts on the homepage then posts from protected categories may appear, even if you have unticked the ‘Catalogue Visibility’ boxes in the plugin settings.

You can fix this problem by manually excluding the protected posts or categories from the page builder element. The exact process will depend on the page builder, but there is often an option to exclude specific posts or categories from these elements.

Alternatively, you can bypass the problem by linking directly to the protected category page instead of using the page builder for that page. ​If your category pages don't have the required layout, then can edit the category template to make it look more like the page they have built with the page builder. This is a developer-level task and if you don't have a developer who can do this for you, then we recommend posting a job on Codeable to get a quote for the work.

We've partnered with Codeable to provide our customers with expert help if required.

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