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Customizing the 'No Products' message

WooCommerce Product Table lets you add 2 custom messages that will appear if no products are found. We recommend adding both types of message to the product table shortcode.

No products message

The no_products_message option lets you choose the text that will display if no products are found when the table first loads. For example, this message will appear if you have no products on your site, or if you're showing a category with no products.

Example: [product_table no_products_message="Sorry, no products found"]

WooCommerce product table no products message

Please note: this option will have no effect if you have set a custom language using the wc_product_table_supported_languages filter.

No products filtered

The no_products_filtered_message option lets you choose the text that will display if no results are found when the user tries to search or filter the table.

Example: [product_table no_products_filtered_message="Sorry, no products match these search criteria"]

WooCommerce product table no search results message

Please note: this option will have no effect if you have set a custom language using the wc_product_table_supported_languages filter.

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