Better Recent Comments doesn't include any options for displaying comments for specific posts, but you can achieve this by adding a code snippet to your site.
Please refer to our article on how to use code snippets to add the following code.
The code includes some example post IDs — 100, 101, 102. These should be replaced with the post IDs you wish to display comments for:
add_filter( 'better_recent_comments_comment_args', function ( $args ) { $args['post__in'] = [ 100, 101, 102 ]; // the post IDs to display comments for. return $args; } );
Displaying comments for specific posts
Better Recent Comments doesn't include any options for displaying comments for specific posts, but you can achieve this by adding a code snippet to your site.
Please refer to our article on how to use code snippets to add the following code.
The code includes some example post IDs —
. These should be replaced with the post IDs you wish to display comments for:Related Articles