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CSS selectors

The add to cart notice shown at the top of the screen when a product is added to the cart.
The add to cart notice when there has been an error adding to the cart.
The add to cart notice when the add to cart was successful.
The wrapper for the whole restaurant order form.
The restaurant information shown above the list of products and categories. This includes the restaurant address, opening times, etc.
The restaurant address above the order form.
The restaurant availability details above the order form.
The restaurant delivery details above the order form.
The restaurant navigation menu.
The wrapper for a menu section (title, description, and products).
The category title.
The category description.
The wrapper around the products in a single category.
Wrapper around the product in the order form.
The wrapper around the product lightbox.
The wrapper around the product within the lightbox.
​.wc-restaurant-product-content .image
The image within the lightbox.
.wc-restaurant-product-content .details
Wraps the name, description, and options in the lightbox.
.wc-restaurant-product-content .name
The product name in the lightbox.
.wc-restaurant-product-content .description
The product description in the lightbox.
​.wc-restaurant-product-content .options
Wraps the product options within the lightbox. This includes product addons if applicable.
​.wc-restaurant-product-content .variations
Wraps the product variations within the lightbox.
.wc-restaurant-product-modal .order-error
The error message shown in the lightbox when a product cannot be added (e.g. variation is out of stock).
.wc-restaurant-product-modal .order
The footer section showing the quantity and 'Add to order' button in the lightbox.
.wc-restaurant-product-modal .order .quantity
The quantity section within the lightbox.
.wc-restaurant-product-modal .order .add
The add quantity "+" button within the lightbox.
.wc-restaurant-product-modal .order .remove
The reduce quantity "-" button within the lightbox.
.wc-restaurant-product-modal .order .qty
The quantity input within the lightbox.
.wc-restaurant-product-modal .order .buy
The buy button within the lightbox.
.wc-restaurant-product-modal .order .out-of-stock
The message within the modal footer when the product is out of stock and cannot be purchased.
.wc-restaurant-product-modal .order .restaurant-closed
The message within the modal footer when the restaurant is closed.
.wc-restaurant-product-modal .order .not-available
The message within the modal footer when the product is not available.

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