Wavelength Electronics is based in Montana, USA. The company manufactures and sells laser diode, quantum cascade laser and thermoelectric controllers.
Wavelength Electronics used our WooCommerce Product Table plugin to create product comparison tables of each product category. The lists make it simple for customers to compare several products in one easy-to-read table.
To make it even easier for customers to compare products, they created WooCommerce custom fields to display extra data in the table. The table includes ticks and PDF icons with links to downloadable data sheets.
Moreover, customers are able to filter each product table in several ways thanks to the multiple filter drop downs. After the customer has filtered out the products by its attributes, they can then sort the table by clicking on one of four column headers.
Lastly, instead of an "add to cart" button, Wavelength Electronics chose to add links to the single product page for more information about the products. And this is where customers can choose to add the product to their shopping cart.
It's a great example of how the WooCommerce Product Table plugin can be used, why don't you check it out?