The following demos are examples of Barn2 Media's Better Recent Comments plugin in action. This free WordPress plugin provides an improved way of displaying the latest comments from your blog. There are various options allowing you to control the information that is displayed, and here are some popular ways to use it:

Default usage

Shortcode: [better_recent_comments]


Showing one recent comment

Shortcode: [better_recent_comments number="1"]

[better_recent_comments number="1"]

Showing avatars

Shortcode: [better_recent_comments number="3" format="{avatar} {post} - {comment}"]

[better_recent_comments number="3" format="{avatar} {post} - {comment}"]

Changing avatar size

Shortcode: [better_recent_comments number="3" format="{avatar} {post}: {comment} {date}" avatar_size="80"]

[better_recent_comments number="3" format="{avatar} {post}: {comment} {date}" avatar_size=80]