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How to hide additional pages with WooCommerce Private Store

The WooCommerce Private Store plugin automatically hides all the content that is created by the WooCommerce plugin. This includes the main shop page, product category pages, product tag pages, single product page, cart, checkout and WooCommerce account page.

Some stores have additional WooCommerce add-ons installed which create further pages that need to be protected as part of your private store. For example, if you're using a WooCommerce 'Request a Quote' or 'Wishlist' plugin then it might create additional pages that you want to hide.

You can protect these pages as follows:

  1. Add page to Private WooCommerce Store
    Go to the 'Edit Page' screen for the page you wish to hide.
  2. Tick the 'Add to Private Store' box. This will hide the page from public view. When someone unlocks the private store (either by entering a password or logging into their account, depending on your settings), they will be able to access the page as usual.

Note: The 'Add to Private Store' box only appears for pages that are not part of WooCommerce itself. For example, the box doesn't appear on the 'Shop' page because this is part of WooCommerce and already hidden by the WooCommerce Private Store plugin.

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