Customizing the “No Documents” message
Document Library Pro lets you add 2 custom messages that will appear if no documents are found.
These options must be added directly to a shortcode.
No documents message
The no_docs_message
option controls the text that displays if no documents are found when the library first loads (for example, because you have set it to display a category with no documents). Set this to any text you like. For example, if you’re displaying events you could use:
[doc_library no_docs_message="Sorry, no events available."]
Please note: this option will have no effect if you have set a custom language using the doc_library_supported_languages
No documents filtered message
The no_docs_filtered_message
controls the text that displays if there are no results after the user has entered a search term. For example:
[doc_library no_docs_filtered_message="Sorry, no documents match these search criteria."]
Please note: this option will have no effect if you have set a custom language using the doc_library_supported_languages