

Problem Solved

Display downloadable resources in a grid layout.

Plugin Used


VCOP is an Australian-based resource membership site for educators that regularly publishes resources to enhance literacies. They’ve used the Document Library Pro plugin to display the latest downloadable resources on their site’s homepage.

How our plugin solved their problem

VCOP were looking for a way to show their latest downloadable resources in a grid layout on the homepage to entice site visitors to sign up for a paid membership plan. This involved showing some information about the downloadable resource along with a Download button on the home page.

They used the Document Library Pro plugin to create a document library and display downloadable resources in a grid layout. In order to do this, they simply uploaded documents to their WordPress site and configured the plugin settings to display the documents in a grid-style layout on the homepage.

Each downloadable resource in the grid-style document library has a document image, title, description, tags, and download button. When a visitor clicks on the Download button they’re either redirected to a membership registration page (if they don’t have the correct member role) or the download page (if there’s no restriction).

VCOP uses the Document Library Pro alongside the Paid Membership Pro plugin to set up this functionality.

VCOP has also used the Document Library Pro plugin to display their full collection of 100+ downloadable resources in a grid layout on the VCOP Resources page. There’s a search bar at the top that site visitors can use to search for specific documents.


I was worried about what other plugins I would need to ensure that it could work for my needs. I loved the plugin and the ease of use.


See Document Library Pro in action on the VCOP website!

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