The Old Gaffers Association uses Posts Table Pro as a table WordPress plugin to create a table-based directory of yachts and boats.
On this Dutch-language website, the yachts are listed in an interactive WordPress table, in alphabetical order. The structured table data includes columns for image, name and boat type. They have sensibly kept it as simple as possible, including the most important information about each boat without cluttering up the page.
Customers can click on any column header to re-sort the directory in any way they wish.
The AJAX search box makes it easy to find the boat you're looking for in the WordPress-powered directory. The directory instantly updates as soon as you type a keyword, providing fast results.
Once you've found a yacht you like, you can click through to view more information about each yacht along with images.
The design of the table integrates beautifully into the overall design of the website, creating a professional result.