Problem Solved

List stations in a table.

Plugin Used

Indiana Broadcasters Association list station details

The Indiana Broadcasters Association is an alliance of nearly 300 member radio and television broadcasters. They use our Posts Table Pro plugin to list station details and contact information in a table layout on their site’s front-end.

How our plugin solved their problem

Indiana Broadcasters Association needed a way to list their 300 member radio and television broadcasters on their site’s front-end to make it easy for visitors to find a station. They created a Find a Station page on their site listing all of the stations and station details.

When a visitor lands on the page, they can search for the station they’re looking for in a variety of different ways. The table lets them run a search query to search by call letters, city, or frequency (channel).

Visitors can also use the filter dropdown above the table to search by Station Category – Radio or Television, and sort the columns in the table. For example, visitors can sort the City column to find stations in a particular city.

The Posts Table Pro plugin includes details about each station’s title, frequency (channel), city, and phone number. This makes it easy for visitors to quickly find the station they’re looking for and get their contact information. There’s no need to redirect to a separate page for contact information.

Indiana Broadcasters Association list station details

The table lists 25 stations on each page. Visitors can use the Next and Previous links as well as the numbered page links below the table to go to a different page.


See Posts Table Pro in action on the Indiana Broadcasters Association website.

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