Flowers by Annette
Flowers by Annette is an online florist that lets customers build their own hand-tied bouquets and gift packs. Their website was built by Delight Designs, who used our WooCommerce Product Table plugin to create a one-page order form for their flower bouquet and gift pack products.
The online store uses WooCommerce Product Table on all six of their product pages:
- Soft & Dreamy Bouquet
- Soft & Dreamy Bouquet Gift Pack
- Natural & Native Bouquet
- Natural & Native Bouquet Gift Pack
- Bright & Bold Bouquet
- Bright & Bold Bouquet Gift Pack
How our plugin solved their problem
Flowers by Annette displays the same details on both the bouquet product page and the bouquet gift pack product page. This includes image, name, summary, price, and purchasing options. Customers can learn about each item, see pricing information, personalize the item, and add multiple items to their shopping cart in one go.
In addition to this, they can use the search box on top of the order form to quickly find a specific item. Customers can also sort the items in the table by name, summary, and price. The order form is configured to display up to 25 items per page in the order form.
Customers only need to make their selections using the dropdown menus and then add the items they’d like to include in their order by ticking the checkbox next to the item. For example, if a customer wanted to add Joadja Wine to their gift pack, they would need to select the Type of Wine using the dropdown. Once they’ve made their selection, they can click the Add Selected to Cart button to add all of the items to their cart in one go.

According to Delight Designs developer Delyse Wright:
I was building a website for a client who had a strong focus on gift baskets. She wanted a solution for the user to create their own individual gift basket using particular components/products. I was trying to make Woocommerce Composite Products work, however the Composite Products plugin was incredibly frustrating and not user-friendly at all, returning multiple errors and visual issues. I looked for an alternative solution and found the WooCommerce Product Table in the Gift Pack section and on the standard product page. The Barn2 website was really easy to navigate and the tutorials were terrific and very clear. Very happy to have come across this plugin, I will definitely use it again.