Christendom Media use Posts Table Pro as a post archive WordPress plugin. It displays their journal archives in a searchable, sortable HTML table.
Each journal is listed as a separate row in the post archive, with columns for title, author and date. A search box above the WordPress table makes it easy to find articles about a specific topic.
Pagination at the bottom of the table lets you scroll through the WordPress post archives to view more entries.
When they've found a journal they're interested in, visitors can click on the title of any journal in the archive table to view it in full.
By listing the journals in a table, the content remains evergreen as users can sort by any column to find specific entries - regardless of publication date.
Christendom Media list their journals as WordPress posts, but you can use Posts Table Pro to create archives of any post type on your website. For example, you could create a 'Journals' custom post type and store them away from the rest of your website content.