In this article, you'll learn how to use the best WordPress plugins to build a WooCommerce wholesale order form. It's easy to set up, and you can put your B2B wholesale order forms within a private area for approved wholesale buyers.
If you run a WooCommerce wholesale or role-based store, your customers need to see the correct products and prices for their wholesale status or group. Wholesale customers also benefit from a tabular view of all the products available to them.
You can get this by using our wholesale suite of plugins - WooCommerce Wholesale Pro which adds wholesale registration and pricing control to your store (without affecting your public-facing shop); and WooCommerce Product Table for adding quick wholesale order forms.
The best wholesale order form plugin
WooCommerce Product Table takes your wholesale products displays them in a table. When used alongside WooCommerce Wholesale Pro, it's the perfect format for a WooCommerce wholesale ordering form plugin.
You can choose which columns are displayed in the order form. You can even add filters based on categories, tags, variations etc. There are over 50 options for you to experiment with.
What’s great is that customers can select multiple products from the WooCommerce wholesale order form and click "Add Selected to cart". This is a handy feature for wholesale buyers, most of whom will be making a bulk purchase and want to buy quickly.
How to set up an order form with WooCommerce Wholesale Pro
You can create a wholesale order form for WooCommerce in just a few minutes. Either watch this video tutorial, or follow the written instructions below.
Step 1: Install and activate both wholesale plugins
Download the plugin zip files and take note of your license key for activation.
On your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins - Add New Plugin.
Use the Upload Plugin option and add a zip file, install and activate each plugin by repeating this step.
In the setup wizard for each plugin you can enter your license key to complete the activation.
Step 2: Set up your wholesale store
First, go to WooCommerce → Settings → Wholesale and set up your wholesale store as needed. Read this guide for or a more extensive tutorial about wholesale store setup. Here's a quick preview of what the plugin can do:
Set a global wholesale discount.
Edit the wholesale login page.
Change the privacy settings of wholesale categories.
Step 3: Create a product table for your quick order form
Next, go to Products → Product Tables → Add New. Use the table builder to set up the table which will appear on your wholesale store pages.
At the start of the table builder, select the option to "Display on a shop page".
Then in the following step select "Wholesale store" from the listed options.
Choose which products will be included in the quick order form.
Set up the columns for your table, consider what information is most vital to your customers and leave out redundant information if possible. For a wholesale store it's often helpful to include the SKU and additional pricing information such as the "Total" column.
Use your preferred "Add to Cart" method, there's a choice of buttons or checkboxes, or both can be enabled at the same time. Enabling quantity pickers, and using dropdown lists for variations are also recommended.
Search and filter settings are also very useful to set up. Include category and tag filters at a minimum.
For stores with thousands of listed products "Lazy Load" can be enabled to help improve performance.
After saving these settings you can visit your wholesale shop page to test out the table. If you need to change anything you can return to Products → Product Tables then find and edit the table you already created.
Now, when a wholesale user logs into their account, they will see the products listed in the WooCommerce wholesale order form:
Normal retail customers will continue to see the default store layouts. (Tip: If you want to use the order form layout for public customers too, then you can enable it throughout your store on the WooCommerce Product Table plugin settings page.)
You may want add even more functionality to your wholesale shop such as bulk ordering, which is why we created this list of 8 WooCommerce B2B plugins with bulk order features.
Bonus tip - Add quick view to your WooCommerce wholesale order form
You can make a wholesale order form even more user-friendly by adding quick view options:
Add your license key to the plugin settings page at WooCommerce → Settings → Products → Quick view.
Use the settings on this page to control the content of your wholesale quick view lightboxes.
Now go to WooCommerce → Settings → Products → Quick view and change the following options:
If you wish to add a quick view column to the table, add quick-view to the list of columns.
If you want people to be able to open the lightbox by clicking on a product name, click the 'Replace all links to product page with quick view' option near the bottom of the page.
If you want the image column to open the quick view too, then you will need to disable the image lightbox option further up the page.
Add wholesale order forms to WooCommerce today!
As you can see, it's really easy to use our suite of wholesale plugins to add a private B2B area with wholesale order forms. You can use them to make your whole store private, or run them as a hidden area alongside your public retail shop.
Quick to set up and easy to use
Flexible customization options
Full documentation and support (absolutely no way to get it wrong!)
Written and video tutorials
Love it or your money back!
Let us know in the comments how you use the WooCommerce wholesale ordering plugins in this tutorial. I'd love to hear from you.
I like your plugins! I have pre purchase question.
I need to add a kind of private order form functionality to our clients website. Your WooCommerce Product Table combined with WooCommerce Wholesale Pro should work, I think. Please confirm required functionalities:
1. access only to a small number of registered users,
2. users have their login and can see/edit their online account (name, address, list of previous orders)
3. each user have their own, short list of products available to them, with individual product prices,
4. no payment gateway, just place order,
5. custom field in order form with delivery date picker,
6. work with woo-commerce for orders processing, adding products, clients etc
Hi Tomas, thank you for the comment and for your interest in our plugins. We also see your direct email to us via our Support Center and we have replied to it. If you have further questions, you can reply to our email. Thank you.
I like your plugins! I have pre purchase question.
I need to add a kind of private order form functionality to our clients website. Your WooCommerce Product Table combined with WooCommerce Wholesale Pro should work, I think. Please confirm required functionalities:
1. access only to a small number of registered users,
2. users have their login and can see/edit their online account (name, address, list of previous orders)
3. each user have their own, short list of products available to them, with individual product prices,
4. no payment gateway, just place order,
5. custom field in order form with delivery date picker,
6. work with woo-commerce for orders processing, adding products, clients etc
Hi Tomas, thank you for the comment and for your interest in our plugins. We also see your direct email to us via our Support Center and we have replied to it. If you have further questions, you can reply to our email. Thank you.