Recover abandoned carts with SMS text messages - A review of CartBoss

Recover abandoned carts with SMS text messages CartBoss

Is the CartBoss SMS abandoned cart plugin worth it? In this expert review, we take a close look at its features and how it works to help you decide if it's right for your eCommerce business.

This is a complete review of CartBoss, the SMS abandoned cart plugin.

In this detailed review, we'll cover the following:

  • CartBoss' key features and benefits
  • Its pricing plans
  • How to set up the plugin
  • Our verdict — whether we recommend it or not

Let's jump right into it.

What is CartBoss?

CartBoss is a powerful tool designed to help eCommerce stores reduce cart abandonment and increase conversions using SMS text messages.

CartBoss works on stores built on WooCommerce and Shopify platforms. 

The plugin allows you to send customizable text messages to customers who have abandoned their carts, reminding them to return to your website and complete their purchase. 

Why use the CartBoss plugin?

According to research by Baymard Institute, on average, 70% of customers abandon their carts.

To put this into context: It's as if 100 shoppers added items from your store into their cart, and 70 of them left without completing their purchase.

Obviously, cart abandonment is a significant challenge for eCommerce businesses. But it is a problem that can be solved with the right tools.

CartBoss is an incredibly useful tool because it allows you to reach customers who have abandoned their carts in a targeted and personalized way with SMS text messages.

Key features of the CartBoss SMS abandoned cart plugin

The CartBoss plugin is packed with tons of valuable features. Here are the key ones:

Personalized text messages

CartBoss has two major personalization capabilities. Firstly, it enables you to create a custom sender ID (i.e., the name or number that appears as the text message sender) to reflect your brand or website's name. This ensures that your customers know who's contacting them. Second, it allows you to customize the text messages to include details of the products in the customer's cart as well as any discounts or promotions you're offering to nudge them to complete their purchase.

Intelligent automation

The automation feature within CartBoss enables store owners to set up automatic recovery messages based on customers' behaviors. You can use it to create text message sequences to be sent at specific times based on certain triggers, such as abandoned carts, purchases, or popup registration. Also, CartBoss will send personalized messages to customers based on their unique situation to encourage them to complete their purchases.

Advanced Analytics and Reporting

CartBoss also provides detailed analytics and reporting, so you can identify the most frequently abandoned products and pages customers visit before dropping off. In addition, it lets you track your SMS marketing campaigns' effectiveness after they go live. You can see how many messages were sent, the number of customers that returned to complete their purchase, and how much revenue was recovered. This data can help you calculate ROI, optimize your campaigns, and make informed decisions about your eCommerce business. 


CartBoss has multilingual capabilities baked into the plugin. It can automatically detect the customer's language based on their location and send the appropriate messages. This feature is beneficial for e-commerce businesses that sell products to customers in different regions with different languages. For instance, customers in Norway will receive messages in Norwegian, customers in Italy will receive message notifications in Italian, and customers in Germany will receive messages in German, even if your company and website are based in the U.K.

GDPR compliance and unsubscribe

As with any other marketing effort, it's essential to comply with rules and regulations. Not to mention, some customers prefer not to receive marketing messages via SMS. CartBoss includes additional settings and limitations for sending text messages based on your terms and conditions to help you remain compliant. Also, they add an unsubscribe link to every SMS text, similar to email service providers (ESPs), to make it easy for customers to unsubscribe if they choose.

Benefits of using the CartBoss SMS abandoned cart plugin

CartBoss's features are clearly impressive. Now it's time to look at how it translates into actual revenue for your store. Here are the key benefits of using CartBoss on your eCommerce website:

Effectively recovers lost sales

CartBoss is one of the most powerful abandoned cart recovery plugins on the market. One reason it works so well is that most customers have their mobile phones with them most of the time, and the SMS app is easily accessible from the home screen on most phones. CartBoss reminds customers of the items left in their cart and lets them know that they may sell out or that a promotion is ending soon. This encourages customers to take action and complete their purchases, leading to increased sales and higher conversion rates.

Simple setup process

CartBoss is a complete plug-and-play solution that's easy to set up and use. CartBoss offers many benefits to eCommerce business owners, including pre-prepared and translated text messages to reach out to customers who abandoned their carts. These messages are designed to be effective in multiple languages, making it easy to reduce cart abandonment without language barriers. Automatic language detection ensures that messages are sent in the appropriate language. 

Increases conversion rates and revenue

On average, CartBoss customers experience a 99% open rate, 37 click-through rate, and 2800%+ ROI. Several companies in various industries have already tried using CartBoss. Their results have been phenomenal throughout. Here are a few examples:

Obviously, the results will vary depending on the business type, industry, and various other factors. However, companies across the board are seeing a boost in conversion rates and revenue.

Seamless integration with WooCommerce

Another key perk of using the CartBoss SMS abandoned cart plugin is that it only takes a few clicks to integrate with WooCommerce. This means that you won't have to spend hours setting up the plugin or tinkering with complicated settings to get it up and running. And if you get stuck or would like a free demonstration of how to use the tool, you can easily reach out to their customer support team for help via chat and email, and they respond quickly. 


CartBoss is a freemium plugin. It's 100% free to install from the WordPress plugin directory. The plugin follows a simple and flexible 'Pay-As-You-Go' pricing model, similar to prepaid plans offered by mobile network providers. You simply top up your account balance for a specific amount. CartBoss charges a flat rate for every SMS text sent based on the recipient's (i.e., customer's) country. There are no other fees besides the per-message rate. Most other abandoned cart recovery solutions follow a subscription-plus-fee model, where you are charged a monthly or yearly subscription fee plus additional fees for each marketing message sent. So compared to other providers, this is an absolute steal. 

Ease of use

CartBoss has a user-friendly dashboard that gives you all the information you need to track your recovery campaigns. You can see the amount spent, the number of messages sent, the revenue generated, and more. In addition, detailed analytics help you optimize your recovery messages for better results. Customizing your messages is easy too — simply choose from pre-built templates or create your own. You can even include personalized discount codes to encourage customers to complete their purchase, set up multiple SMS campaigns, each with its own recovery message and discount code, and more.

How to set up the CartBoss SMS abandoned cart plugin?

Step 1: Create an account on CartBoss's website.

Head to CartBoss's official site to register for a free account. Type in your information, sign up to create your account and enter your details in your account dashboard.

CartBoss SMS abandoned cart website home page

Step 2: Get the API Key for your website.

You'll need to connect CartBoss to your website using the API key. Select "Websites" from the CartBoss admin menu. Enter your website's URL and click on the "Add site" button to get the API key.

CartBoss SMS abandoned cart plugin dashboard

Step 3: Install and activate the plugin on your website.

Go to your WordPress admin dashboard. Select "Plugins" "Add New". Type “CartBoss” into the search bar. Next, install it and activate the plugin.

How to install CartBoss

Step 4: Connect CartBoss to your website via the API key

Activating the plugin takes you to the "Settings" screen. Enter your API key here and select "Save".

CartBoss installation

Step 5: Start sending messages

You can start using CartBoss. CartBoss comes with several templates for abandoned carts and post-purchase offers out of the box. Alternatively, you can create custom messages by selecting "Add a custom" message. You'll find these options in the "Automations" tab in the left menu.

CartBoss SMS abandoned cart plugin templates

The verdict - is the CartBoss SMS abandoned cart plugin worth it?

Now it's time to answer the most important question: Is CartBoss worth it? The short answer is yes.

As an eCommerce business owner, you know how frustrating it is to spend a lot of money to get shoppers into your store, and then they leave without buying anything.

All in all, CartBoss is the best solution out there for SMS abandoned cart recovery via test messages — it's stable and has the best deliverability rate. It helps you recover lost sales by sending personalized text messages to customers who have abandoned their carts. 

CartBoss is easy to set up and use. Its automated features allow you to target customers with personalized messages based on their behavior, leading to increased sales and higher conversion rates. The plugin's multilingual capabilities allow you to reach customers in different regions, and its impressive ROI results demonstrate its effectiveness. With CartBoss, you can also track the effectiveness of your campaigns, identify frequently abandoned products and pages, and remain GDPR-compliant. 

We highly recommend CartBoss to any eCommerce store owner looking to reduce cart abandonment and increase sales.

Head over to CartBoss's website to get the plugin.

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