Effortlessly place orders with a WooCommerce Quick Order Form

WooCommerce order form plugin demo

If you want your WooCommerce store to succeed, it’s important to make the buying process as simple as possible. The easier it is for visitors to make a purchase, the quicker they’ll open their wallets. This means you need to find a way to streamline their experience.

One of the best solutions is to add a quick WooCommerce quick order form. Instead of visiting individual product pages, customers will be able to select the products they want and add them to their WooCommerce cart from one convenient location. What’s more, you can have customization options for your order form to make it as user-friendly as possible.

In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll explain why you might need a WooCommerce quick order form, and talk about choosing the right tool for the job. Then we’ll show you how to create a WooCommerce quick order form using the WooCommerce Product Table plugin. Let’s take a look!

What is a WooCommerce Quick Order Form (and might you need one)?

Most WooCommerce stores provide dedicated lists or galleries where customers can see many items at once. They also display each product on its own page. This enables visitors to easily compare products, and find out more information about each one. In general, however, people are only able to purchase items one at a time. At most, they might be able to add products to the cart individually from the shop pages and category pages, but there's no way to choose quantities or specific variations.

This can be inconvenient for customers who want to buy multiple items at once. Fortunately, you can make their lives easier by creating a quick WooCommerce order form. This is simply a table listing out some or all of your products. Visitors can select all the products they want from the WooCommerce quick order form, and add them to the cart:

An example of a WooCommerce quick order form.

The Benefits of Adding a Quick WooCommerce Order Form

Aside from making the order process quicker and more streamlined, adding a quick WooCommerce order form provides a number of other benefits. For example:

  • Customers will be able to see lots of products at a glance.
  • It becomes very easy for people to compare similar products.
  • You’ll be using space more efficiently.

As with any feature, certain types of sites will benefit from implementing a WooCommerce quick order form more than others. This includes stores with lots of similar products, as well as those selling ‘simple’ products that can be understood at a glance (such as clothing and decorative items). A WooCommerce quick order the one-page shop will be handy if your customer base browses your store from mobile devices.

If you do decide to try out a quick order form on your WooCommerce site, you’ll find that the process is quite simple. All you need is the right WooCommerce quick order plugin!

How to choose a WooCommerce quick order form plugin

Since this is a very specific feature, you’ll need exactly the right WordPress order form plugin to implement it. Along with the basic criteria you should use when choosing any WooCommerce quick order plugin, you’ll want to look for a tool that:

  • Is customizable, so you can create a WooCommerce quick order form suited to your exact needs.
  • Offers filtering and sorting features, so customers can find what they want quickly.
  • Includes support for custom fields and taxonomies, so you can organize products however you’d like.
  • Lets customers select variations and quantities right from the order form, without needing to visit the actual product pages.
  • Is fully responsive on mobile devices.

Fortunately, our WooCommerce Product Table plugin includes all of these features and more:

This tool enables you to quickly build a product list or order form that is highly customizable. Plus, it’s designed to be used alongside WooCommerce, so customers will be able to order products right through the form.

With WooCommerce Product Table, you can easily build a one-stop shop, or create order form to be used alongside more traditional store pages. Let’s talk about how to get started now.

How to create a WooCommerce quick order form (in 3 steps)

The first thing you’ll want to do is purchase and install the WooCommerce Product Table plugin.

If you haven’t already installed and activated WooCommerce, you’ll need to do that as well. You’ll also want to ensure that you’ve created all the products you want to include in your quick order form. Then, you’re ready to begin!

Step 1: Create a quick WooCommerce order form

  1. Go to Products → Product Tables → Add New.
  2. Go through the steps to set up the order form. This includes:
    • Selecting which products to include in the order form.
      Select products page of table builder
    • Adding your order form columns. (Tip: Remember to include a 'Buy' column to allow customers to add to the cart from the order form.)
      WPT table builder columns
    • Customizing the add to cart buttons. (Tip: Enable the add to cart checkboxes for quicker ordering.)
      Add to cart page of WooCommerce product table builder
    • On the 'Add to cart' page, I also recommend selecting to show variations as dropdown lists. This will allow customers to choose variations from the quick WooCommerce order form, like the Hoodie in this screenshot:
      A WooCommerce quick order form with drop-down menus.
    • Adding filters to help customers to find products more quickly.
      WooCommerce music store filter by genre
  3. The final page of the table builder provides a shortcode for adding the quick order form to a page. Copy this (unless you're using the Gutenberg block editor, in which case you don't need to.)

Step 2: Add the quick WooCommerce order form to a page

  1. Create a page (Pages → Add New).
  2. Either insert the shortcode that you copied a minute ago, or insert the 'Product Table' Gutenberg block and select your table.

This will add the WooCommerce quick order form to the page like this:

A WooCommerce quick order form with images.

Customers will be able to add products to their carts and use the Ajax search form to find specific products.

Step 3: Add product quick view to the rapid order form (optional)

By creating a quick WooCommerce order form, customers can quickly click multiple products and add them all to the cart at once. This is ideal for selling simple products, or products with a small number of variations. But what if you have a large number of variations per product?

Obviously, you don't want to send customers to a separate page to buy each product. That defeats the purpose of a quick order form!

WooCommerce Product Table Quick View Magnifying Glass
Add quick view buttons or links to your WooCommerce quick order form.

The solution is to add quick view buttons to your WooCommerce order form. You can do this with the WooCommerce Quick View Pro plugin, which is designed to work with WooCommerce Product Table.

Install the plugin and use the settings page to choose what information to display in the quick view lightbox. Next, add a quick-view column to your list of product table columns.

This will add quick view buttons to the table (which you can rename to anything you like on the Quick View plugin settings page). Customers can click these buttons to view extra product information, product image gallery, and/or purchase options in a lightbox popup.

After adding the product to the cart, the lightbox closes and the customer remains at the same point on the quick order form, where they can continue adding more and more products to their cart.

Step 4: Optimize the checkout process (optional)

Before we wrap up, there’s one more element to consider. Along with optimizing your quick order form WooCommerce so that it’s user-friendly, you’ll want to do everything you can to speed up the ordering process. The more convenient it is to buy products, after all, the more likely customers will be to complete their purchases.

This step involves using a few additional tools. Here are the two most important features you’ll want to consider implementing:

  • Redirect users to the cart page after selecting one or more products. This encourages customers to buy right away and can be done easily using a WooCommerce setting and the free Redirection plugin.
  • Add more payment gateways to your e-commerce store. The more payment options you provide, the larger your potential customer base will be. WooCommerce itself offers a variety of ways to add new payment gateways.

At this point, take a moment to sit back and admire your handiwork. You have a fully-functioning quick order form WooCommerce that’s informative and easy to use – and the process of purchasing products through it couldn’t be simpler!

Where to get the plugin

It’s important to design your WooCommerce store to provide the best user experience possible for your customers. This means making it simple for them to see what products you offer, select the ones they want, and get right to the checkout screen. To do this, you can create a WooCommerce quick order form – either as a one-stop WooCommerce shop or to supplement your existing product pages. By using the Woo quick order table view, your customers will be able to select and buy the items they are after fast and without fuss.

Fortunately, the WooCommerce Product Table plugin makes this task incredibly easy. You’ll just need to:

  1. Create order form page.
  2. Customize your order form.
  3. Optimize the checkout process.

Do you have any questions about how to set up your WooCommerce quick order plugin? Ask us anything in the comments section below!

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