Best 15+ WooCommerce bulk edit plugins in 2025
Managing a WooCommerce store, especially if you have a healthy number of products, can take time. Especially if you need to edit or update large numbers of these in one sitting. The good news is that you can easily get this time back by installing a plugin to bulk edit WooCommerce products.
In this article, we will provide a comprehensive list of 15+ top WooCommerce bulk edit product plugins that can save you valuable time and streamline management. If you've been struggling with editing multiple products on your Ecommerce website, fret not, as these plugins can make the process smooth.
Before starting with our plugin tutorials, it's important to understand the features. Features may consist of filtering products based on multiple criteria, and editing various fields, post types, add-ons, and coupons at once. There is also the convenience of undoing changes and exporting and importing product details and data from your WordPress website. By understanding what makes a good WooCommerce bulk edit plugin, you'll be able to select the right one that meets your specific needs and preferences in real time.
What features do I need in a Woocommerce Bulk Editor Plugin?
If you're looking to shave some time off managing your online store, then you need a bulk edit WooCommerce products plugin that offers several ways to update products. Some of which include:
Bulk edit the price
If you've been managing a WooCommerce store for a while, you may find yourself in a position where you need to make significant changes to your product prices. Perhaps you're planning a sale, or maybe you want to adjust the prices of all of your products to reflect changes in the costs of market demand.
Using a WooCommerce advanced bulk edit plugin can help save time and reduce errors compared to manually updating each product individually. With this plugin, you can select the products you want to update and set a new price that applies to all of them.
Bulk edit the product description and product short description
Bulk editing your WooCommerce product description or short description can help you to save time and streamline your workflow. For instance, if you're introducing a new product line and want to add a common phrase or SEO keyword to each product's description, it would be a tedious task to edit them manually. With a bulk edit plugin, however, you can make the same change to multiple products in a matter of minutes!
Bulk edit the categories
Managing your WooCommerce store categories is an essential task to keep your products well-organized and easy to find your customers. However, it can take too much time and challenge to make changes to each category one by one, especially if you have a large inventory of products. That's where bulk editing your WooCommerce categories comes in. By using a bulk edit plugin, you can easily make changes to multiple categories at once, such as adding or removing product templates, renaming, deleting, or moving them to a different parent category.
Bulk edit the attributes and product variations
Bulk updating your WooCommerce products shouldn't be left to simple products alone. If you're looking to update all your products then this, of course, should include variable products and product attributes.
Product variations are notoriously time-intensive to update, so the plugin you select should have WooCommerce bulk edit attributes and product variations. Without this feature, you'll have a solution that only does half a job.
This isn't all, your WooCommerce bulk-edit plugin should also allow you to:
- Bulk edit the SKU of your WooCommerce products.
- Bulk update the product images.
- Change the stock status or stock quantity and product type.
- Update the product fields, custom fields, and more.
We now know what you should be looking for when selecting a WooCommerce bulk edit products plugin. But did you know, you can edit multiple WooCommerce products without a bulk edit plugin? In the next section, we'll show you how.
How to edit multiple products without a bulk edit plugin
In certain circumstances, you may not actually need a bulk editing plugin to help you update or edit your products. WooCommerce has been built with a tool you can use to get this done.
To bulk edit your products using WooCommerce's default options, take the following steps:
- From your WordPress dashboard, go to Products → All Products.
- Select the checkbox of all the products you want to update on the left.
- Then in the Bulk Actions dropdown menu, select Edit and click the Apply button next to the dropdown.
- Once clicked, an edit screen will appear with various product fields you can change.

On this page you'll be able to update the following:
- Product categories
- Allow or Do not allow comments
- The product status (Published, Private, Pending, Draft, etc)
- Product Tags
- Product price. This includes changing the product price by fixed or % amounts and changing the product sale price.
- Changing the tax status
- Making changes to the product weight, measurements, and more
- Changing the product's shipping class, stock quantities, stock status, backorders, and more

The default feature of WooCommerce which allows you to edit multiple products at once can be helpful. But it does have some limitations. It only allows you to edit simple products. So if you have variable products, you'll have to edit each variation manually. This can time-consuming task, especially if you have a large number of products.
Thankfully, there are WooCommerce bulk editor plugins available that can assist you in efficiently editing your product variations. These plugins come in handy when you have a large number of variations to update. It can save you a considerable amount of time and effort. With the help of these WooCommerce bulk editors, you can easily update and manage your product, allowing you to spend more time on other aspects of your business, such as social media marketing and bookings.
So if you're looking to edit your WooCommerce product variations in bulk, you'll need the help of a plugin.
Our #1 recommendation: Woocommerce Bulk Variations
Adding and editing product variations in WooCommerce can be a time-intensive and tedious process. This is because the platform on its own isn't designed to let you add and edit variable products in bulk. But with the plugin WooCommerce Bulk Variations, you can make this process not only quicker but easier too.
WooCommerce Bulk Variations allows you to select specific variations and edit them together without applying those changes to your other variations. It also allows you to add variation images in bulk.
When using this plugin, you'll be able to filter variable products using the variations tab on the edit products page. You can then select the variations you want to edit and click the bulk actions dropdown (Add variation) to edit all the selected variations.
Once clicked, you'll be able to bulk-edit the following:
- Delete all variations.
- Change the product status.
- Change the product pricing including regular price (fixed or percentage).
- Set and change the sale price (fixed or percentage).
- Set scheduled sale dates.
- Change the stock status, backorder status, out-of-stock, and low stock threshold (& SKU).
- Adjust the length, width, height, and weight.
- Adjust downloadable product information.
- Change, set, and remove product image thumbnails.
Better variation display for a user-friendly shopping experience
WooCommerce Bulk Variations is a powerful tool that not only streamlines your backend management but also enhances your customers' shopping experience. By allowing you to display variations in a grid on the front end of your sore, it makes variation growing and purchasing a much more user-friendly experience.
Moreover, the plugin provides a variety of customizable options to display variations on the front end. you can choose the number of columns to display, choose the order in which they appear, and even set the size and color of the swatches. This level of control allows you to create a visually stunning product catalog that stands out to your customers and helps them make informed purchase decisions.
Other best bulk editor plugins
WooCommerce Bulk Variations is perfect for bulk editing the variations of one product at a time. It’s also the only way to multi-select all variations that have particular features in common. To apply the same changes to them all without affecting the other variations.
But if you’re also looking for a way to bulk edit multiple products at once, then keep reading because we've listed 15 of the best WooCommerce bulk edit plugins.
#1: WooCommerce Products Bulk Edit
Price: Free or $49
The WooCommerce Products Bulk Edit plugin is an advanced tool that supports all WooCommerce fields both for filtering and bulk editing. By using this powerful plugin, you are able to find multiple products you need quickly, view them in a searchable and sortable table and bulk edit their fields, such as regular and sale prices, product type, attributes, categories, etc., through a user-friendly bulk edit form.
This plugin is designed with an easy-to-use interface and provides you with a lot of useful tools for managing, updating, and bulk editing your simple and variable products. One of its best features is inline editing, allowing you to update the product fields directly from the table. This really saves you time when you just need to make a minor change on multiple products of your site.
It is also possible to duplicate some selected products with just one click. The duplicate button simplifies the process of adding similar products.
Bulk removing products is another popular feature that is very helpful when you want to delete out-of-stock or discontinued products from your store and replace them with a new collection.
Also, if you are a busy manager and also need to bulk edit orders, variations, coupons, and WordPress posts and pages, then you can install the XBulk editing bundle. This is a combination of 5 bulk edit plugins.
#1: Setary
Price: From $9 a month
Setary allows you to manage, update, and bulk edit all of your WooCommerce products in one spreadsheet-like environment.
Unlike all the other WooCommerce bulk edit tools in this article, Setary is not a WordPress plugin. Instead, it's a SAAS solution where the bulk editing takes place in your account on the Setary website.
There are several advantages to bulk editing WooCommerce products outside of WordPress. The process is faster and doesn't weigh down your site. You don't have to import or export your product data in a CSV file because Setary retrieves the products automatically using the REST API. Simply filter and bulk edit products in the Setary dashboard, click Save, and the changes will appear automatically on your WooCommerce store.
When in this environment, you'll be able to update everything from the product's name to the price, and product type, manage stock levels, and more.
Setary can save you countless hours updating products and importing spreadsheets. If you have multiple stores, and a huge number of products, Setary is particularly worth the investment.
#2: YITH WooCommerce bulk product editing

Price: £69.99/ year
YITH WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing is a bulk editing plugin that allows you to edit and update your products within WordPress itself.
With this plugin, you'll be able to edit any product field, from the URL to the stock quantity, product type, product title, and more.
YITH WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing also comes with a whole host of useful filtering options. By using this, you'll be able to search and find the products you're looking for and change the selected WooCommerce bulk edit products quickly.
As a bonus, WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing also allows you to create a new product quickly. All within the plugin's interface. Making it a great option if you want to make a huge number of updates to your products in very little time.
#3 & 4: WP sheet editor (Free & Pro)

Price: Free or from $29.99
Free version - Bulk edit posts and products in spreadsheet
Bulk Edit Posts and Products in Spreadsheet is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to edit posts, pages, and WooCommerce products in a spreadsheet.
Where this one differs from Setary however, is that this spreadsheet is within WordPress. By doing this, the plugin also allows you to edit posts, page content, and WooCOmmerce bulk variations using the Gutenberg editor.
The free version of this product does limit the ways in which you can update WooCommerce products though. You'll be able to bulk update the product title, product status, SKU, regular price, and sale price.
If you want to have the ability to update more product properties, you'll need to invest in the pro version.
Pro version - WooCommerce products spreadsheet
WooCommerce Products Spreadsheet is the pro version of Bulk Edit Posts and Products specifically for WooCommerce products.
This plugin is an in-built spreadsheet created specifically for WooCommerce bulk variations. You can update all product fields within the spreadsheet while using it in WordPress, which allows it to work seamlessly with the WordPress media library, product editor, and other features. The integration of the spreadsheet with WordPress makes it easy to update all the product fields and utilize the benefits of the WordPress media library and product editor.
The spreadsheet itself allows for advanced searches and formulas. So if you're a more advanced user, this plugin allows you to go into detail.
#5: Bulk edit products

Price: $79.00
Bulk Edit Products, Prices, and Attributes allow store managers to bulk edit, create and update products in their store - including updating attribute values.
Where it differs though, is its scheduling functionality. WooCommerce bulk edit attributes have an in-built scheduler. This means if you want to update a specific set of products at a future date, you can do so.
This feature is particularly useful if you have an upcoming sale or a product line that needs to be updated. Just set your scheduled updates and the plugin will execute them for you.
#6: WooCommerce advanced bulk edit

Price: $34
WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit is another plugin that works within WordPress itself. With WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit you're able to use the in-built filtering options to find the exact products you wish to bulk edit.
WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit lets you filter products and edit all fields, including meta fields, custom fields, SKU, and taxonomies from 3rd-party plugins, while also providing options to duplicate, delete, and create new variations in just a few clicks. Saving you countless hours of updates.
#7: Bulk Table Editor for WooCommerce

Price: $79
Bulk Table Editor for WooCommerce's main goal is to help you set up sales in your WooCommerce store. For this reason, the plugin makes sure editing prices, selling prices, modifying stock, and generating SKUs are all as simple as possible.
Bulk Table Editor has a vast number of in-built functions that allow you to increase prices by % amounts, fixed amounts, round upwards, downwards, and more.
It also has a scheduling function that allows you to set a sale start and end date so you can do the work upfront and watch as your store updates when you need it to.
Of course, this plugin doesn't just allow you to update product prices. With Bulk Table Editor, you can change the product status, measurements, visibility, and more.
#8 & 9: WOOBE - Bulk editor and products manager professional (Free & Pro)

Price: Free or $34
Free version - BEAR – Bulk editor and products manager professional for WooCommerce
The free version of WOOBE, also known as BEAR has all the functionality you'd expect from a WooCommerce bulk edit plugin.
The difference between this plugin and the others in this list is that WOOBE allows you to see the history of your bulk updates and allows you to roll back should you need to. This feature alone is incredibly useful and will save a lot of time if mistakes are made.
This WordPress plugin also allows you to create and save profiles of filter combinations. This means when making future bulk edit WooCommerce products, you'll be able to load your set filters and make changes even faster.
However, the free version of the plugin does restrict you to only being able to edit a few of the product fields. If you want to edit more, you'll need the pro version.
Pro version - WOOBE - Bulk editor and products manager professional
WOOBE - WooCommerce Bulk Editor and Products Manager Professional is the pro version of BEAR.
If you pay for the premium version of this plugin, you'll get all the features the free version offers, and you'll have full access to every product field available.
#10: Bulk product sync with Google Sheets

Price: $49
Bulk Product Sync with Google Sheets is a WordPress plugin that uses Google Sheets to import and export your products and categories.
It works by connecting your store to a created Google Sheet. When the sheet is updated and you sync the sheet with your store, your products will be updated too.
This plugin allows you to export your current products to a formatted Google Sheet and then edit from there. You can also add custom meta columns to your sheet and add and remove columns as you see fit.
This plugin would be particularly useful for someone who is used to working with CSV files and wants more control of what they can and can't do.
#11 & 12: Smart manager for WooCommerce – Stock management, bulk edit & more… (Free & Pro)

Price: Free and from $149/yr
Free version - Smart manager for WooCommerce – Stock management, bulk edit & more…
Smart Manager For WooCommerce allows you to manage and edit your WooCommerce products in an excel-like spreadsheet within WordPress.
Like the other spreadsheet-like plugins on this list, the free version of Smart Manager allows you to edit all product fields but it does restrict you to performing 3 inline edits in one go.
Where it differs from the other plugins in this list, is the live preview option. The free version of Smart Manager allows you to see the changes you're about to make before saving - which could be a huge time-saver.
Pro version - Smart manager
Smart Manager is the pro version of the above plugin and while it has all the features of the free version - it also has some big benefits.
This version of the plugin not only allows you to make as many edits as you like before saving. But it also allows you to switch between tasks without losing progress. This is particularly useful if you find yourself needing to make multiple different edits at once before saving.
#13: Product Bulk Editor for WooCommerce

Price: $79
Product Bulk Editor for WooCommerce is a plugin that allows you to make efficient bulk edits to your products in a user-friendly edit table.
This plugin simplifies bulk editing by using a table that allows you to customize which fields you'd like to edit and/or see with easy-to-use filter options, making it an ideal solution for store owners who prefer not to work in a spreadsheet environment. It gives them greater control over the bulk editing of their WooCommerce products.
#14 & 15: ELEX bulk edit products, prices & attributes for WooCommerce (Free & Pro)

Price: Free and from $149/yr
Free version - ELEX WooCommerce advanced bulk edit products, prices & attributes
The free version of ELEX WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit Products, Prices & Attributes allows store owners to bulk edit simple products.
You can adjust stock information, regular and sale prices, change categories and product types, and more, as well as access advanced options for increasing or decreasing prices.
This version of the plugin only allows you to bulk edit simple products, so if you want to edit variable products and their product attributes, then you'll need to upgrade to the pro version.
Pro version - ELEX WooCommerce advanced bulk edit products, prices & attributes
The pro version of ELEX WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit Products, Prices & Attributes allows you to bulk edit your variable products. It also enables you to bulk update external products and schedule these updates for a later date/time.
ELEX allows you to filter products to make detailed edits and gives you the option to immediately undo the last WooCommerce bulk update you did. A major bonus should you need to redo or change anything you've already done.
#16 & 17: PW WooCommerce Bulk Edit Plugin (Free & Pro)

Price: Free and from $149/yr
Free version - PW WooCommerce bulk edit
The free version of PW WooCommerce Bulk Edit is a WordPress plugin that allows the store manager to make product changes in bulk within WordPress itself.
The interface is both spreadsheet-like and table-like. Making updates to your WooCommerce product fields quickly, and easily. The PW WooCommerce Bulk Edit plugin allows you to see a live preview of your changes before saving, which can be a lifesaver, and the pro version offers even more options than the free version.
Pro version - PW WooCommerce bulk edit pro
The pro version of PW WooCommerce Bulk Edit Pro gives you a few additional options. With this version of the plugin, you'll be able to create new variable products automatically.
You can save time by using the option to save and load your custom product filters. Additionally, this plugin version is compatible with many third-party plugins, ensuring your bulk changes are secure.
Bulk edit your products and variations Today
As you can see, there are plenty of choices when it comes to WooCommerce bulk editors. The choice of plugin depends on your goals for your Ecommerce store and how you prefer to edit.
Of course, if you're looking to update multiple variations of a variable product, then WooCommerce Bulk Variations is the #1 WordPress plugin of choice.